Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Murder Update

Major press outlets are reporting that the Supreme Court of the United States has affirmed the constitutionality of a law that prohibits the murder of infants by their mothers (with the assistance of doctors) using a particularly gruesome technique (or techniques... the news articles' description of the actual law that was upheld is a bit fuzzy).

Pre-birth maternal infanticide is, however, still legal and widely practiced.

The gnat of exceptional cruelty has been successfully strained, while the camel of murder continues to be consumed.

Oh the hypocrisy of it all.

Which hypocrisy is only made more glaring by the enormous media coverage accorded a spree killer in Blacksburg, Virginia, while serially infanticidal mothers and doctors all over the nation are passed over in silence. Their victims, executed for profit or convenience, far outnumber the several dozen slain in passion and, perhaps, insanity by the lone gunman of Virginia Tech.

May God spare America from the consequences of the great and continuing sin of infanticide.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for thinking of and noting the lost lives of little people, as you say, for profit and convenience. Calvin says that the womb of all places (forget about colleges for the moment) ought to be the safest place for children.


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