Saturday, September 29, 2007

Reminder to Guardian

An Internet poster named Guardian wrote this post (link) in response to which Dr. White asked him to call into the Dividing Line radio program. Guardian did so, and was much more respectful and reasonable than the brief post linked above would suggest.

When Guardian called in on July 17, 2007, and suggested that he would have a list of Dr. White's scholarly failures within three months or so. Three months will have elapsed on October 17, 2007. Hopefully Guardian has not forgotten. I know that many of us are waiting to see what the allegations will be.

Guardian seemed very reasonable on the phone, and I hope that he will have the time and interest to follow through on his planned documentation. It will be very instructive as to what are perceived to be the weak links in Dr. White's exposés of Catholicism.



  1. Manuel,

    You posted some comments regarding Ed (comments you've already posted on other web sites). The comments are not relevant to this thread, as far as I can see. Is there any reason I should not reject them for publication?


  2. No, I am trying to draw Ed Out because I believe he is a coward when he misrepresents my position with lying Apologetics and will not follow through when he claims he is some great authority on Oneness, I hope trinitarains use his arguemnts because they will find how wrong they are.

  3. Manuel,

    Your opinion of Ed is noted.

    Rather than just calling Ed names, perhaps you could identify a major Unitarian systematic theology: one that accurately represents the Oneness Pentacostal position.


  4. Identify a what? what are talking about? It's all layed in scripture ther are no threed persons of God there is no trinty you act like this is some foreign doctrine the real foreign that is accepted by millions and does not make it all the truth is the trinity I don't want to lay out my doctrine i have done that Ed needs to answer now that I have answered his questions and I call it like I see it he misrepresented our doctrine there is only one truth and it is not the trintiy.

  5. Manuel,

    You don't know what a systematic theology is?

    It's a book (or - these days - I suppose it could be a web site) where various doctrines are explained in a systematic fashion, and preferably distinguished from other non-orthodox doctrines.

    In other words, let's suppose for the sake of discussion that Ed has misrepresented OPism. Where is there a book Ed could read that explains and distinguishes OPism from trinitarianism.


  6. Of Course I know what "systematic theology" is. If Ed wants to know what we believe I am pretty sure I have sent both him, and James White, debates that took place with Marvin Hicks, I am in agreement perfectly with what Marvin Hicks teaches about the Oneness he was the One who defended the truth for years but they refuse to listen.

    Ed Likes to do hit and run theology with his writings, he will present a work he props up as scholarly and get all his peers worked up to agree with him that they are indeed scholarly, but he will not debate the issues with anyone for fear of being found out that they actually are not.

    I have heard Gene Cook qoute David Bernard's Book, but had no idea what he meant from the Book. There are hundreds of oneness websites, but you don't understand what you read anyhow, just like the scriptures, you wrestle them to your own destruction. You keep inserting unscriptual "three persons" and "God the son" "only begotten God" all terms that make no biblical sense. I go to your aologetic sites everyday because I have no fear of your reformed Calvinism or trinity doctrine, I have many of James Whites Books and I do understand what they say but it is unscriptual. I use them to help others away from your Cult.


    Pass this along to Ed, Tell him not to gravitate towards the James White, Sabin,, debate it is the worst debate ever! The Gordon Magee and Hicks debates are the best especially with Oscar Hill who is a Baptist.

  8. Manuel,

    I've posted your comments, except for the original one, which can be found elsewhere (and which I had already seen and read in comboxes on other blogs).

    I'm glad you read Reformed literature, Manuel.



    TF, you did not post the link in it's entirety. Why? folks should be able to listen these are not one sided but presents both sides. If you will listen to both sides.

  10. Manuel,

    I published exactly what you submitted. Blogger does not give me the option to edit the posts before I publish them.


  11. Someone posted here pretending to be Dr. White. The comment was deleted. Nevertheless, the fact that someone would do that, testifies in a way that the present author cannot.


  12. TF,

    Is there a way that you could put a date on your comments? It's hard to find the new ones without the date.



  13. Zog,
    That is an excellent question. I'll see what I can do. I confess I'm still a neophyte to


  14. It would appear that Guardian has not made good on his offer. Shame on his cowardice and lack.

  15. In an extremely limited defense of Guardian, he had phrased his original "three months" in cautious terms, and had indicated that he is changing addresses during that time. Perhaps he plans to respond shortly.

    It would be nice if he would at least pop his head up and ask for more time.



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