Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Remembering September 11, 2001

In a more timely article (than this one) remembering September 11, 2001, the authors of one website wrote that the emergency was not due to Muslim terrorists who were out to destroy our freedom but was a far more sinister one.

The authors were right, though not in the way they imagined. (Sadly, the otherwise respectable men who run that site seem to have become ensnared in conspiracy theorizing.)

The danger of Al Quaeda is not about their ability to kill large numbers of people quickly. The danger of Al Quaeda is that they promote Islam. Many folks have it backwards: they are scared of the spread of Islam because Islam brings radical Islam in its wake.

Do not fear them: fear God.

Islam is a threat, because it is inherently anti-Christian. It denies the doctrine of the Trinity. It denies the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. It denies the deity of Christ. While it claims to call Jesus the Christ, it denies that Jesus is begotton of God.

Those who follow Islam are on the road to hell: one cannot be a Muslim and a Christian. Truth is mutually exclusive, and one must choose. Al Quaeda's biggest threat is their "evangelization" - their attempt to seduce men to follow their false prophet.

While many Muslims are peace-loving men (Praise be to God for His restraining mercy!), radical Islam seeks to proselytize by force, and by threat of force. The libertarians fear Shariah law, liberals fear theocracy, and feminists are frightened by the prevailing Muslim attitude toward women. The problem is this: every Muslim is an enemy of God, just as we were, before God changed our hearts. There is no salvation in Islam (no matter what Vatican II did or didn't say) - only eternal destruction.

Let us pray for God's grace to move powerfully among the Muslims so that they can cast of the shackles of human tradition, false prophecy, and darkness to serving the One True God, Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts, Our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ!


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