Thursday, March 06, 2008

This is Catholic Internet Apologetics and a Reasonable Response thereto

GNRHead posted a two-part diatribe broadsiding Dr. White with a significant number of accusations, even taking time to wave his finger at the camera and insist that Dr. White should be ashamed of himself.

Dr. White posted the video that I have embedded below that makes short work of the bulk of GNRHead's argument. There is certainly more that could be said, and there are unaswered (though not unanswerable) allegations.

The main point, though, is a good one. It is important for apologists to have a reasonably broad knowledge of church history, because there are all sorts of absurd claims that float about on the Internet.

Here is the video:

I hope you enjoy.

Sola Deo Gloria,



  1. If I am to take this gentleman seriously at all, I request he remove the Bret Michael's poster off of his wall so I can pay closer attention to what he is saying instead of wondering what his infatuation with Poison is. What would be even better though is if Dr. White would make another V-blog with the same poster in his background or maybe a CC Deville, now that would be pretty funny.

  2. Anonymous,

    Yes, I had noticed that too. It was actually kind of interesting to contrast his backdrop to that of another v-blogger, Preachdaword, who had been challenging him on a number of issues.

    Preachdaword's backdrop is a wall full of books, among which was what appears to be a full collection of Calvin's commentaries.



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