Monday, April 14, 2008

Great New Flurry of Content from GreenBaggins

GreenBaggins has provided a flurry of new content, which appear to be sermons. I found them interesting, and they mesh somewhat with the series of Patriarchy-related posts I have been presenting. Additional sermons are available as well, at the GreenBaggins website.

Submission? What's that? (Ephesians 5:21-24)
Husbands, Love your Wives (Ephesians 5:25-27)
Marriage and the Church (Ephesians 5:28-33)
Children, Obey your Parents (Ephesians 6:1-3)
Parenting: Nurture not Exasperation (Ephesians 6:4)




  1. Thanks for your kind words. I'm surprised you read as much of them as you did!

  2. You're most welcome. It's also worth pointing for those who have time to listen but not to read, that at least some of those sermons are also available in audio.


  3. Hi Turret,

    Very good, Green, thanks , Turret for linking, quite nice!!

    While it's clearly inteded to be more of a small sermon-style posts, which is by definition not getting into deep theology or deep anything for that matter, so your pieces fit the style , so dont take it as a criticism, but may i add a real life observation:

    (on obedience) In reality the one who leads is the smartest and the most godly one. Be it a man or a woman.
    See, the more spiritually mature we are, the less sinful and more godly our decisions are. So any decision of a less mature husband would, in predominant amount of cases, quilify to fall into category : "asking wife to sin", essentially.

    Should God or man be obeyed in such situations? Actually I am in awe at how some wisest, godly women (I see a lot of Abigails around :) lead in a way that man doenst even understand he is being led. Is it a trick? Do they disobey Paul's orders ? Maybe,but.. maybe not, accoding to your wise note ,GB ;))

    I am not married yet and as you know ,Turret, only temporarily in US, so i am not a church member but involved in Children ministry in a church.

    The ministry leader( one of our pastors)sadly is not as advanced in his Walk as one would hope pastor to be, so I often, to be honest , manipulate him into more Godly , wise decisions, saving his reputaion even, with absolute ease.

    Bottom line- it pays being Godly and smart, gentlemen... (Our marry a woman who's much dumber :, which is not the case for you of course : ) Wisdom will always trump the dumbness, the wise one will always lead....

    Something to contemplate if you write a more deep study on the subject, GB :))

    With Love,

  4. Odeliya,

    As with any moral rule, gray areas can be drawn. The foolish men of this world create some real problems for their wives. It is better to obey God than man, yes.

    On the other hand, there are doubtless times when pride in a woman can make her believe that she is wiser than her husband, even when it is not the case - just as the same can be true of a man thinking he is wiser than his boss or his elders.

    The biggest problem in this regard is actually children thinking they are wiser than their parents. Remember that whatever you suggest for wives will be the same for other relations.

    The bottom line from my p.o.v. is that a wise woman will find ways to persuade her foolish husband, or to circumvent his foolishness in a non-rebellious way.

    But the best solution is for the men to be wise, and to know their own limitations. It's not always good to take a woman's advice (look at where it got Adam), but it's sometimes foolish to ignore the advice of a woman or a child or a servant.


  5. Turret : The bottom line from my p.o.v. is that a wise woman will find ways to persuade her foolish husband, or to circumvent his foolishness in a non-rebellious way.

    O : Amen, T! That's the best way to put it. If she is being wise and is leading him indirectly, as you described, than it's not bad at all,for all is done for the Glory of God!

    Turret : The biggest problem in this regard is actually children thinking they are wiser than their parents.

    Oh yeah! All children love to do that! :))
    But here in particular i was talking about actually *being" more Godly and wise not just *thinking* that you are.To make my point: if Turret they way you were, let's say 20years back were to be compared to you (the way you are now), now; who would be the wiser/more godly one?
    I am saying that in reality that one would end up leading de facto.

    Turret :But the best solution is for the men to be wise, and to know their own limitations

    Amen again!

    GOd bless you,


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