Monday, July 21, 2008

Westminster Confession of Faith in Tagalog

Nollie, at Two Ages Pilgrims, has posted a translation of the Westminster Confession of Faith in Tagalog, a language that is apparently still dominant in some parts of the Philippines. (link) As noted, the project is not in its final form, and comments, encouragements, and assistance from Reformed folks that know Tagalog would doubtless be appreciated. It's worth pointing out that translations of other Reformed resources have also been made available there.

UPDATE: 22 July 2008 - For those who may like confessions, but are less inclined to baptize their infants, the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 is also available in Tagalog (link). Thanks to Albert for pointing this out to me.



  1. Hi Turretinfan,

    As you well know, I am from the Philippines. Tagalog is my first language. I have read the WCF in English, but this is probably the first time I will be seeing it in Tagalog. Reformed Baptist pastors here (some of which I know personally since I go to a Reformed Baptist church) have translated the 1689 LBCF in the late 80s. A copy is available online. I also heard that there are Continental Reformed churches here that have a copy of the Three Forms of Unity in Tagalog. The WCF in a language MOST Filipinos understand (we speak lots of languages) is definitely good news. Thanks for the link.

    P.S. I know Pastor Nollie personally. He lives just a few kilometers away from my home. He has been conducting Bible studies for the last few weeks with young men and women interested in knowing more about the Reformed Faith. He is pastor and missionary to the Philippines from Trinity URC, Walnut Creek, CA. From what I have been hearing from him, he is assisting several congregations (now a denomination) that left the CRC (Phils.) a few years ago because of the unbiblical practices of the Synod. Incidentally, this small Reformed deonomination is receiving assistance also from the RCUS. Information about the German Calvinists' assistance to this Filipino Reformed group, and the spiritual condition of the local CRC can be found here:

    You might want to see this too:

    Thanks. :)

  2. Hi Albert,

    Yes. I was thinking of you, and of one other of my readers, when I posted this.

    If you have a link to the 1689 LBCF in Tagalog, I'll gladly update the post above.


  3. Here is the 1689 LBCF in Tagalog:



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