Monday, September 29, 2008

Cory Tucholski on Mary contra Bellisario

Cory Tucholski has provided a new post (link) on the subject of Mary's alleged Immaculate Conception, against a previous post by Mr. Bellisario. Cory sets out to demonstrate that the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception is an unnecessary tradition that actually denigrates the orthodox doctrine of the Incarnation.



  1. Its a late doctrine that was made necessary by another late doctrine, namely inherited sin. Unlike the protestant augustinians, the catholics acknowledged that the proof text for original sin says "in sin my mother conceived me" which means the protestant answer "only fathers pass on sin" is insufficient. Hence the caths made the immaculate conception doctrine.

  2. a) It's dumb to imagine that mothers ordinarily conceive alone; and
    b) Original sin (both as to the guilt of Adam's first sin, the absence of original righteousness, and the corruption of the human nature) is the teaching of Holy Scripture.


  3. "It's dumb to imagine that mothers ordinarily conceive alone" - nobody would, but Psalm 51 specifically mentions the mother alone, so the claim that fathers transmit original sin is bogus. If Psalm 51 is teaching inherited sin, then it is also saying that mothers are the ones who transmit it. Thus the protestant theory that Jesus is free from original sin because he had not physical father falls flat. Something more like the Catholic doctrine of immaculate conception is needed if inherited sin is a true doctrine. If I believed in inherited sin, therefore, I would have to be a Catholic. They invented the doctrine after all, or at least Augustine did--in a massive departure from all earlier fathers.

  4. Anon wrote: ""It's dumb to imagine that mothers ordinarily conceive alone" - nobody would, but Psalm 51 specifically mentions the mother alone, so the claim that fathers transmit original sin is bogus."

    Non Sequitur and/or faulty premise. The verse only mentions the mother, but in no way suggests that the mother conceived "alone." Consequently it does not follow that sins the person was conceived in sin that this came from the mother.

    Anon wrote: "If Psalm 51 is teaching inherited sin, then it is also saying that mothers are the ones who transmit it."

    Again, non sequitur. The fact that men are conceived in sin is the fact of interest in the Psalm, not the mechanism by which men are conceived in sin. The mechanism is federal headship.

    Anon wrote: "Thus the protestant theory that Jesus is free from original sin because he had not physical father falls flat."

    Because Jesus was only under the headship of the Father is the reason he was conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary free from sin.

    Anon wrote: "Something more like the Catholic doctrine of immaculate conception is needed if inherited sin is a true doctrine."

    False premise(s). You've assumed that the connection is maternal (without warrant) and apparently also that the connection is physical (also without warrant). Without those false premises the conclusion doesn't follow.

    Anon wrote: "If I believed in inherited sin, therefore, I would have to be a Catholic."

    If you believed Psalm 51 ... you'd be Reformed.

    Anon wrote: "They invented the doctrine after all, or at least Augustine did--in a massive departure from all earlier fathers."

    That claim is just absurd.



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