Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Debate Challenge Received

William Albrecht (aka GNRHead) has issued a "live cellphone debate" challenge. Specifically, he states that "Once again this blogger is dead wrong. Before my video series or 20 page paper dealing with a study of the Greek and the relevant Biblical terms comes out, I will challenge this blogger to a live cellphone debate on these very terms. We will see if he can handle the Greek terminology. This is an open challenge to this individual to message me and we will debate these terms, on my cellphone and I will record it and then we'll come back and let the people judge for themselves our conversation here in Youtube."

I would be happy to take him up on the challenge.

Obviously, for this to be a debate, there would have to be rules:

A resolution, so that the debaters will stick to a topic;

Time limits, so that one side does not dominate the other by simply hogging all the time;

Cross-Examination, so that each side gets a chance to ask relevant questions of the other side; and

A moderator, to make sure that the rules are followed.

If Albrecht is still interested, he can easily contact me either by leaving a comment in this comment box or sending me an email (my email address is available via my Blogger profile).



  1. I'm looking for to this good luck TF.


  2. I'm looking forward to this good luck TF.


  3. TF,
    God be with you TF. Looking forward to it. Do, share with us your debate.

    in Christ


  4. TF, contrary to the two posts, if you are like me, you will do terribly and mess it all up!

    Don't go into this alone. Let Jesus have your mind and will and heart and He will do just fine. If you get in the way, well, my hat is off to you! :)

    Ecc 10:1 Dead flies make the perfumer's ointment give off a stench; so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor.
    Ecc 10:2 A wise man's heart inclines him to the right, but a fool's heart to the left.

  5. Why would you take W Albreight up on a Debate and ignore the written debate challenge I have issued to you on the Oneness of God Versus the unscriptural doctrine of the Trinity?

    Manuel Culwell

  6. Manuel,

    The doctrine of the Trinity is so obviously the teaching of the Bible that I don't feel it necessary to conduct written (or other) debates with you or other "Oneness" people to demonstrate it. There are already many writings on the subject: read them.

    Possibly, some day I'll reconsider that position, but for now that's where I stand.


  7. Manuel,

    The doctrine of the Trinity is so obviously the teaching of the Bible that I don't feel it necessary to conduct written (or other) debates with you or other "Oneness" people to demonstrate it. There are already many writings on the subject: read them.

    Possibly, some day I'll reconsider that position, but for now that's where I stand.


    So, Are you admitting the other reasons you or anyone else debate the other issues are because those issues are not as Clear? Me-thinks the real reasons are because you are not as comfortable with that issue as you are with the others, Be honest TF.

    Manuel Culwell

  8. Manuel,

    No, I'm perfectly comfortable with the clear teaching of the Bible on the subject. Thanks for asking.

    May I commend Dr. White's book, "The Forgotten Trinity," to your attention. That may be more edifying to you than a debate with me would be.


  9. Oh, Thanks for the Mention on your blogger Identity. And yes, you are too strongly Trinitarian for my Taste TF. LOL! I will submit that to my debate group.... All in fun.

    Manuel Culwell

  10. Manuel Culwell,

    Post your critique of the Trinity in the comment box on my blog and I will happily refute it for you.

    TF, thanks for passing this along to him for me.

  11. The debate with Culwell is finished. No technical difficulties here.


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