Friday, November 21, 2008

Latria/Dulia Debate - Update

So, the debate is a go. The resolution is as shown below:

Resolved: That Dulia and Proskuneo can be used in a Religious context without being worship.

Since Albrecht is Affirmative, he has the burden of proof and consequently gets to speak first and last. The time limits will be as follows:

1AC (first Affirmative Constructive) – 7 minutes
Cross Ex of the Aff by the Neg – 3 minutes
1NC (first Negative Constructive) – 8 minutes
Cross Ex of the Neg by the Aff – 3 minutes
1AR (first Affirmative Rebuttal) - 4 minutes
NR (Negative Rebuttal) – 7 minutes
2AR (second Affirmative Rebuttal) – 4 minutes

Plus four minutes of "prep-time" per side that can be used after cross-examination or before any rebuttal.

Please pray that God would use the debate for the edification of many,



  1. Yes Lord, bless TF by giving him clarity and certainty to the edification of the body of Christ who will participate by hearing the debate and judging the sense and tenor of Your Voice, Your Truth with the outcome of Peace by Grace and Mercy!

    Bless Mr. Albrecht with clarity. Give him insight and open his ears to hear Your Voice, Your Truth with the outcome of Peace by granting him Grace and Mercy!

    In the Name of Jesus for the Glory of the Lord on earth and in the heavenlies, I pray!

    1Ch 16:31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth.

  2. Gordon,

    The plan is to do it by Skype, which will apparently not permit us to have a live audience (aside from the moderator).

    I understand we hope to post the mp3 quickly thereafter.


  3. Man! I wanted to see your face! Can't see it through all that black! :o)

  4. From Your side-box (again) :

    "flowers are still fragrant and lilies are still beautiful and the bees still search for nectar amongst the flowers; the birds still sing with their thousand voice choir on a summer�s day and the sun and the moon and the stars all move on their rounds doing the will of God."

    -- A. W. Tozer

    LOL. So much for 'Total Depravity' then, Genesis 3:18 included. :-)

  5. Are you going to synthesize your voice to keep the mystery fully alive?

    Looking forward to it!

  6. LOL Carrie.

    Yes, Tur8, you have to use some sort of electronic filter!

  7. Lucian,

    Umm ... not sure how you think there is any connection between bees and Total Depravity.



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