Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Acar Caner's Prominence in the Muslim Community

Dr. Ergun Caner is fond of ascribing various roles of importance within the mosque to his father. I have found nothing to corroborate his testimony in that regard. However, I have found some evidence that Ergun's father, Acar Caner, was prominent within the Turkish community. For example, I found that Acar Caner was President of the Turkish American Association of Central Ohio from 1983-84 and 1993-94 (source - including grainy photo). One is reminded as well of Jamal Jivanjee's carefully worded comment (discussed at greater length and with more context here) that "Mr. Acar Caner, was a very prominent leader within the Islamic community that we associated with and was very involved with this mosque." Technically, this prominence took place after Dr. Caner's conversion (the latest date for Dr. Caner's conversion is 1982). However, one would not expect Mr. Caner to rise to president in the first year or two of being involved in the group, so this evidence helps to confirm (and perhaps to clarify) some of Jamal's testimony regarding Acar Caner.

- TurretinFan


  1. I am confused, are you for this guy or against? I just ask because your going deep into his background.

  2. I'd like to think that I'm for the truth. Sometimes the truth supports what Dr. Caner says. Sometimes it does not.

  3. I know this is off topic, but after listening to a recording of his testimony this morning and reading your documentation about his high school years, I wonder how he played tennis and soccer in those “robes?” Also, is there any evidence of Acar building a mosque?

  4. There's some evidence that suggests that Dr. Caner helped to remodel the Islamic Foundation on Broad St.

  5. With the name of God, Peace be unto those who follow guidance.

    TF: About the video if you download it from youtube make sure that you save it as an MP4 or MPG4 those formats are more friendly for blogger.

    The other thing you can do is to use a third party hosting service and than embed the code in your blogger.

    That is what I did with these Ergun Caner videos here: http://thegrandverbalizer19.blogspot.com/2010/05/ergun-caner-exposed-by-christians.html

  6. From the Turkish papers, these were two separate entities.
    One is an ethnic Turkish social organization and the other was part of a vakf for the Mosque.
    So the father was a secular man who also was active in the religious organization.
    Given the dearth of Turks in the area in those years,it makes sense that some Turks would be involved with the Mosque functions also, together with other Muslims.
    So when he talks about his "father as being prominent in the Mosque", he was volunteering with both of these groups. Not that he was some kind of high official in the Mosque.
    He was volunteering and doing his best to help the Turkish immigrants in the area, whether through the Turkish secular organization and also the Mosque with other Muslims in the area. This is common practice. I have done it, does not make him a "jihadist", or an "imam" or "muezzin". His role was severely exaggerated by his sons.All it says about the father is that he had a social consiousness.

  7. gypsyrose

    may I be nosy?

    Are you Japanese?

  8. natamllc:

    I am of Turkish background.
    That is the reason I am so concerned when someone gives such testimony about his background.

  9. GypsyRose,

    thank you for your reply.

    Did you know about the Japanese gypsyroses during WW2?


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