Thursday, June 03, 2010

Ergun Caner in Arabic-ish Gear

An anonymous commenter left this link, which he alleges: "may be the video that ends it all." The only thing it is likely to end is your dour mood by giving you a chuckle. In any event, it does have Ergun Caner and he is wearing Arabic-ish gear (think Aladdin):
(link to video)Enjoy! (and note the tags for this post)



  1. LOL!!!!!!!
    I almost.... well, cannot even write what! :DDDDD

  2. this was used in series of videos that accompanied a sermon series at our church. i thot it was funny then, but its even funnier now. love that guy!! WAY TO GO, DOC!!!!

  3. This has nothing to do with the subject, but about the trinity. The thought came to me last night.

    Before God came as flesh, the trinity of course was in place. But now because Jesus has a resurrected body,...The Godhead now has a body? A little confused.

    I'm anonymous because I'm embarrassed of the question.

  4. We would put it this way, speaking of Jesus:

    Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

    Christ's body hasn't become a property of the Godhead. The Divine Nature and the Human nature remain distinct, though Christ holds both nature in a single person.

    It's not easy to wrap one's mind around it, to be sure.


  5. Anonymous, Jesus' resurrection is the pledge and guaranty of our own future resurrection, He is the first-fruits of those who sleep. If He were raised, but subsequently discarded His body as of no further use, what promise is there in that? That we will be resurrected, but only temporarily?

  6. Nifty video. When I saw the get-up, I was hoping he'd do a sword-dance, but I guess you can't have everything.

  7. Fredericka,

    "if he had only known you would be watching.....?" Hmmmmmm

  8. Ty for explaining Turretinfan and Federick :) It does make sense. He had to have a resurrected body so we could have one too. We live and move and have our being in him,(And only because of him). I'm feeling much better now :)

    ps, I miss talking with ya on paltalk.



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