Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Alternative Responses to Jay Dyer

A brother posted his response to Jay Dyer's challenges to Calvinism (link to his response). Drake Shelton begins his response this way:
I was ashamed of Turretinfan's responses to this so I decided to devote the past year and a half to these issues.
I'm always appreciative of assistance. Thanks, Drake! I still like my answers, but I always appreciate those who lend a helping hand.



  1. Well, Drake is a big fan of hip-hop music, so he's probably ashamed of your response because you didn't versify your arguments in rap lingo, dude.

  2. I'd be ashamed to tell anyone I spent a year and a half on that response.

    In Christ,

  3. That response is now out-dated...Dyer will have new objections now that he's tinkering with Talmudism.

  4. I agree with Coram Deo...not only was Drake wrong on several points, he didn't even use appropriate sources.

  5. Happily for some people being wrong doesn't give them the slightest pause.

    Sources schmources...don't like their sources or their arguments, eh? Then they'll just yell louder and stamp their feet and wave their hands until you agree with them for no other reason than the hope they'll simply go away.


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