Saturday, November 05, 2011

Introduction to Islam

Dr. James White recently presented two lectures on Islam:

The lectures are lengthy, but may be informative as an introduction to Islam.



  1. I know it is my bad but I kept thinking "where is Dr. Caner"? Is he there learning? It would be so beneficial for him to be in the audience learning about Islam so his robust style could be enhanced and he could be used of God in Muslim communities!

  2. Thanks for posting these, TF. And please thank Dr. White. They are very well done and they kept my interest. Though I fear that his problems with needing to drink water occasionally to get his voice back will be a cause for either great rejoicing or great confusion for the KJV Only folks.

  3. James White, hardly a Dr., is actually a very poor source on Islam. There are numerous excellent sources that could be used instead. I would recommend Dr. Esposito.

  4. A) Dr. White has two earned doctorates (neither in Islam).
    B) Were there any problems, errors, or inaccuracies in his presentation? I'm sure he would be glad to know what they were, if you found any of them.
    C) Who is Dr. Esposito?
    D) Who are you, and why do you really dislike Dr. White?


    Dr. John Esposito is a western scholar of Islam, but it seems that he is very politically correct, trying to only present the most positive side of Islam and its history; and his chair of professorship is heavily funded by the Saudis.

  6. ROFL. That sounds like FAO's speed.

  7. You don't know what a FAO is, do you?

  8. I assume in this case it means you work for the State Department. That would explain the political correctness issue.

  9. The FAO is an organization. "A" FAO is a person. A person cannot be an organization. Try looking up "a FAO".

  10. Try looking it up yourself.

  11. What you should have found out is that I am a FAO, Foreign Area Officer.  We are a group of military members who specialize in a region, gaining a detailed knowledge of language, culture, religion, etc...  Most of us have advanced degrees, more than a few legitimate doctorates.

    Fake experts like those posted here are huge problems for us.  The more impressionable soldiers come over here thinking they know what they are talking about and cause significant problems, since they don't.  The Middle East is an area completely outside of your capability to understand, it is an alien world.  It take REAL study, not the sham that you are passing off.  I realize you could not care less about how it affects us, but I the poor Chaplains have to constantly apologize for the way that Middle Eastern Christians are treated by the arrogant and prideful people that buy into your uninformed ramblings.  They do not recognize real Christians because they are not real Christians themselves, as this website is dedicated to your perception of your pride, and not the religion you claim.

    You don't get that you not have only a responsibility to learn, you have a responsibility to say things that are true, and you have ignored that.  James White wants to have the dignitas of being called a doctor, but not work for it.  And I, and plenty of other military members, have done distance education.  The military has a LOT of distance universities, but they are all real, accredited schools.  They are required to be.  Fake experts like James White, Ergun Caner, and your ilk are serious problems for us, and you don't care in the slightest.  You get to sit in comfort while those of us in the field clean up your messes.  You should be ashamed of yourself, but I know you are not.

  12. a) I will agree that fake experts are a serious problem. I'm sure you've seen the videos of Dr. Caner (yes, he too has a real doctorate) speaking to U.S. marines. I don't recall you chiming in then, but so be it.

    b) You have had a chance to identify any errors in the presentations above. You haven't. At this point, you kind of need to put up or shut up. There is about four hours of material in those presentations. Any mistakes at all that you found in them? Did you even listen to them?

    c) Dr. White has two earned doctorates. Are you just ignorant of that? Did you assume that because they are not accredited, they are not earned?

    d) I am thankful for the service of the armed forces. So, while I think you're way out of line in your comments above, I'm trying to be patient with you as an expression of that appreciation.

    Bottom line: here's your chance to actually show us what a fake Dr. White is, by pointing out some of the more glaring errors were in his four hour (combined) presentation. But, if you can't, everyone who comes to this comment box will see what's up.


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