Friday, December 23, 2011

Idolatry Defined

"IDOL, 'i-dol [1 Kings xv. 13], IDOLATRY. [Acts xvii. 16.] Whatever receives the worship which is due only to God is an idol. In a figurative sense the word denotes anything which draws the affections from God [Col. iii. 5]; and, in a restricted sense, it denotes the visible image or figure to which religious worship is paid [Deut. xxix. 17.] Idolatry consists (1) In worshipping as the true God some other person or thing besides Jehovah; and (2) Worshipping the true God under some image, as the golden calf. [Exod. xxxii. 4, 5.]
Found in Beeton's Bible dictionary (1870). Also found in A Biblical Cyclopædia (1868), The Union Bible Dictionary (1839), Schaff's Dictionary of the Bible (1880) and The Student's Illustrated Bible Dictionary (1881).


  1. I'm not sure why the definition says "in a restrictive sense, it denotes the visible image"...

    Can you think of an instance where idolatry does not include an image? I can't. It strikes me that even 160 years ago Protestantism was under the illusion that we are immune to images.

  2. It's just saying that in the narrowest and most proper sense an idol is a visible image. As noted, the usage is sometimes more expansive, so that false gods are referred to as idols. The Muslims and some other false religions worship false but unpictured gods.

  3. I understand the definition. Until a year or so ago, I probably would have nodded in total agreement.

    As Reformed Protestants, we easily recognize the idolatry of many mistakenly believe the images have been dealt with so we proceed to the non-pictorial...which almost always never applies to us.



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