Monday, June 04, 2012

Reciprocal Links and the Future of this Blog

I really appreciate the many readers of this blog, both friendly and unfriendly, in agreement and out of agreement, foreign and domestic. A lot of you have kindly put me in a blog roll or otherwise posted a link to my blog on your site. I have tried to reciprocate with a link back in the sidebar of my main page. If you have linked to me, and you haven't received a link bank, please let me know.

I am not sure what the future holds for this blog. I plan to continue blogging to the glory of God, the edification of the saints, and the evangelisation of the unbelieving. I also plan to continue debating, whenever the opportunity arises. I plan to remain pseudonymous for the time being, although I'm constantly aware of the fact that my pseudonymity is something that is mostly out of my hands.

I would love to hear from readers of this blog regarding their, i.e. your, thoughts for the future of this blog.


  1. This blog is in my Google Reader, and you always challenge me to think deeply and precisely about church history, theology, scripture, etc. and all with an irenic, didactic attitude. Keep at it, TFan!

  2. TF I have enjoyed reading your blog the past several years and to have taken part of in discussions in the comments box. The articles that you have posted here are very high quality and well worth the time to read through. It will be great that go on with this blog for many more years

  3. Learn from FB's mistakes and go for a big time IPO. Nasdaq: TFAN

    Seriously, keep trucking!

    God be with you,

  4. Why would you even consider stopping? It sounds like you are considering quitting the blog. If so, why? The content is great and your research is excellent.

    The only thing I don't understand is the silence on questions that have to do with Theonomy. (I asked you about it on the previous article where you site the death penalty for sins in Leviticus - "Why I against the 150 mile fence suggestion". When I read Greg Bahnsen's chapter on Theonomy in "5 Views on the Law and Gospel"(Zondervan), I got the same feeling. He never really answers the questions that non-Theonomists have - the implications of being a Theonomist are obvious - death penalty for some 15 sins in the Torah.

    Otherwise, your info on Roman Catholicism, the early church history, historical theology, and Calvinism and Reformed issues is great. I appreciate them very much and have used many of them to help me understand those issues. Especially your interaction with Called to Communion RC issues and the way you handled their own attacks against the Reformed Faith is very useful and profitable.

    The reason I ask about Theonomy is that Muslims who are consistent in their views on the Caliphate and Sharia law, bring up Theonomy.

  5. Truth Unites... and DividesMonday, June 04, 2012 4:40:00 PM

    I also appreciate your resolve against R2K doctrine. Keep it up!

  6. Please continue blogging for the glory of God, the edification of the saints, and the evangelisation of the unbelieveing. Your clear voice is needed.

  7. I am one of those who linked to your blog because I find your write-ups very helpful. Please don't stop writing for God's glory. I'm one of your fans.

  8. "my pseudonymity is something that is mostly out of my hands." What does that mean?

  9. Well, I for one am all for this blog which should be very obvious to the many who frequent it seeing the many and varied comments I make in here.

    As I have done just now privately I would ask you openly for some clarification to these words in here if you can?:

    "...although I'm constantly aware of the fact that my pseudonymity is something that is mostly out of my hands."

    In any event, there are some verses from the writings of Paul by the hand of Tertius that come to mind when considering your worth as a true man of God and brother of Christ Jesus Himself:

    Rom 15:14 I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another.

    Rom 16:19 For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.
    Rom 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

    You my friend have clearly demonstrated time and time again that you are able to instruct both the wise and foolish who come to embrace and obfuscate the Truth put forth in here!


    I link to you.

  11. "This blog is in my Google Reader, and you always challenge me to think deeply and precisely about church history, theology, scripture, etc. and all with an irenic, didactic attitude. Keep at it, TFan!"

    I second Kurt's comment: although I don't comment much here, I greatly appreciate your postings, and will be greatly saddened if you choose to close down this blog.

  12. Turretsfan, thank you for the time and effort you put into this blog, your work has taught me a lot. I think your focus is unique I would greatly miss your voice if you were gone.

  13. I appreciate the blog. However, it's got to be time-consuming.
    Maybe you ought to do fewer posts. And not replying to comments would also save time.
    Paul Helm has a nice blog which is helpful but doubtless less time-consuming.
    You could change your blog to that format. I prefer the R2K posts to the anti-RCC posts, probably because the RCC is so obviously wrong.

  14. T-Fan, I agree, what you do for the church is incredible. May you live long and prosper.

  15. This blog has provided insight so that by remaining reformed, I am truly a member of the one holy, catholic and apostolic church. At a shaky time in my life it provided articulate answers so that my conscience was not bound to reverting to the RCC. In fact, within evangelicalism, I fail to see few articulate voices providing appropriate biblical and historical responses to RCC apologists. Maybe that is why Called to Communion and the Journey Home has so much sway on those who grew up in the evangelical church. Many really don't know how to reply to RCC proselytizing.

    I hope that you are encouraged by this reply. Please be sure to take care of yourself and your family.


  16. TFan,
    I have also been edified by your writings. I do see more an more a drift away from doctrine and the Gospel. I think your high view of the reformation and apologetics are very valuable to the rest of us. I would say if there is a time constraint, consider revisiting old posts (in their entirety) with some new thoughts. Serves both new and old visitors.
    God bless,

  17. TF,

    Love the blog, it causes me to think clearly, logically, and most importantly more Biblical. I'd like to see more posts concerning the Federal Vision movement and responses to R2K folks. I like the RCC posts as well since I have a friend who recently joined the Roman Church. I hope you continue to blog, it has been a blessing in my life.


  18. While I have the entire World Wide Web at my fingertips, it is typically the case I check in to only a small handful of blogs (maybe 5), and yours is one of them, permanently also as a tab on my browser, in fact.

    Thanks for all your work over the years.


  19. I think you should add to the blogosphere drama by converting to Roman Catholicism and changing the site name to "Thoughts of Francis Turretin of Assisi"

  20. TF,
    I second the many comments below that speak to the fact that this is also one of several daily blogs I check and read. I enjoy your consistency. I enjoy your scholarship, and the wide range of topics found here. I enjoy the freedom of dialog that I have seen on your blog. I would be saddened to see it stop, as your voice is unique. That said, I realize the Holy Spirit's leading, at times, in other directions for His glory and purpose. May He give you the wisdom that best befits His eternal plan for your skills and gifts. Blessings brother.

  21. I received a comment anonymously suggesting that I had something to do with your statement, "although I'm constantly aware of the fact that my pseudonymity is something that is mostly out of my hands." For the record, I have strongly affirmed your right to blog pseudonymously or anonymously if you so chose. If there is undue coercion from any quarter, aside from the promptings of the Holy Spirit, your own conscience and your sense of propriety, such is wrong. Whether one agrees with all of your positions or not, no one should do anything that would cause you to feel threatened not to publish your views. Folks should always contend for the Way, Truth and Life and tailor their rhetoric accordingly. Debate the messenge, never the messenger.

    God bless!

  22. Thanks, Mr. Hoffer!

    Thanks also to the many encouraging comments and suggestions!

  23. Please, keep it coming, and more of it. Thanks.

    John Sellman

  24. Keep on blogging for Jesus brother! I appreciate the manner you go about defending the faith.


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