I was directed to an interesting video titled, "Fempocalypse," by a Muslim blog. Here is the video:The analysis seems to be basically godless (God is not mentioned, but Neanderthals are). The analysis, however, does highlight the fundamental problem that feminism is contrary to natural law - and we're seeing that in the consequence of feminism.
For those benighted people who think that patriarchy is just an ancient cultural norm, they really should listen to the video. We Christians don't hold to patriarchy because of the reasons that the lady in the video points out, but these reasons help to show why the Christian culture (borrowed by Islam) is not just morally right, but societally superior.
Feminism is not just evil and contrary to divinely revealed moral law, it's stupid and suicide for society. Some of the woman's complaints are more applicable to the UK than to the US, but the US will head that way, if feminism continues and patriarchy is not restored.
I want to reiterate, the reasons that the woman gives are not the reasons we Biblical Christians hold to patriarchy. We hold to patriarchy because the Bible plainly teaches that the husband is the head, that marriage is for life, and that the purpose of marriage and family is primarily the raising of godly offspring. The Bible plainly teaches patriarchy, not feminism. Therefore, we reject feminism regardless of feminism's consequences. Nevertheless, it is interesting to see that the light of nature itself shows that feminism is wrong.
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