Thursday, June 14, 2007

Federal Vision / Auburn Avenue Theology - Challenge

Federal Vision / Auburn Avenue Theology - Challenge

Is anyone out there who considers themselves a proponent of Federal Vision / Auburn Avenue Theology willing to give a concise statement of the distinctives of that view?

If someone will accept this challenge, I will agree to provide a detailed rebuttal either of the distinctiveness of the view or of the view itself.

So far, no proponent of the FV/AAT theology has been able to concisely identify their distinctives, to my knowledge. The oponents have certainly done so, and their rebuttal (as seen, for example, in the PCA's recent report) is devasting to FV/AAT as portrayed by the opponents.

Nevertheless, before I pass judgment on folks like Doug Wilson, who associate themselves with FV/AAT theology, I want to give them (any of them, not just DW) a chance to state what their actual distinctives are, if any.

I had hoped to see some crushing rebuke stating that the PCA report fall wide of the mark of FV/AAT in DW's recent blog entry (link), but I did not find anything of the sort. Instead, I found a charitable, level-headed call for calm and peace. I'm glad to see that kind of response, but I'd also love to see if the FV/AAT proponents think the PCA addressed the real issues, or straw men.

I also recently found Peter Leithart's defense of his own integrity (link), but still no identification of the Federal Vision distinctives.



  1. I'm glad to see that you're issuing this challenge. If you watched the the live feed of the PCA General Assembly you might get the impression that FV proponents haven't had any time to defend their views. I was truly disturbed by the response of some of my fellow elders to the motion to adopt the PCA study report, which clearly demonstrated that FV is contrary to the Westminster Standards. It would seem that too many of my PCA brothers have had their heads in the sand while rest of us have been hashing out the issues for a few years now - at least that's the impression I'm getting. I hope someone takes up your challenge.

    BTW, if it wasn't for Dr, White's link to your blog, I wouldn't have known that you're here. Good to see you blogging.

  2. Elder Polk,

    Thanks for your comments. I'm glad you found the blog, and I hope you'll feel free to comment whenever you like.

    I was disappointed when "Reformed Rants" mysteriously disappeared (which was your blog, if I'm not mistaken).



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