Monday, September 24, 2007

Miscellaneous Web Site

In an attempt to find some texts on the Internet, I stumbled across a web site that is rich in Reformation writings, as well as writings of church fathers, and oddly a few of the Arminian notables (such as Arminius and Wesley).

I was about to recommend the web site as a resource for downloads, when I came across two things that gave me pause:

1) The first was a very mild eye-brow arching over a critique of Codex Vaticanus - and particular the marginal notes therein. The critique made the claim that the marginal notes show the ancient character of the Textus Receptus, because the marginal notes (at least sometimes, and/or in important places) follow the TR. As a TR-preferred writer, I found these comments disturbing, because I have also read the work of palaeographers, who provide some instruction on how to date such marginal notes, and who would not necessarily reach the same conclusion as the web site owner/editor did. The website cited "research beginning in 1995," which again reinforced a worry that this author has that the author/owner/editor of the web site may not be fully equipped in the arena of textual criticism. What was especially interesting were some claims that the TR (apparently Stephanus' 1550 edition) represents the pure original autograph text! If this were the only issue, I would just issue a mild caveat.

2) The more serious concern was raised (in my mind) over the disclaimer provided one of the web pages:
Inclusion of a work on this Archives page does not imply any endorsement of particular views and doctrines contained in that work, except in the case of the inspired teaching of Brother William M. Branham, which is endorsed by the Lord Jesus Himself, and recommended to every soul who hungers and thirsts after righteousness.

Wow! I had no idea that there were still followers of that alleged prophet. At least for now, I don't plan to directly link to the site. Perhaps some other time, or for some of the specific books (including Calvin's Institutes and the Works of Arminius) that can be found there.


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