Thursday, September 27, 2007

Poor Gen. Pace

General pace recently made headline news for stating that homosexual behavior is sinful, and that he will not condone it (link). He immediately got labelled a "bigot" by those who either don't recognize that homosexual behavior is sinful or who do not care.

The reason that I use the adjective "poor," though is not so much because Gen. Pace is the target of name-calling - but because Gen. Pace seems to have been so battered by it that he is ready to compromise.

Currently, U.S. military law prohibits both adultery and homosexual relations. These are excellent rules that are enforced, and should continue to be enforced. The U.S. military is one of the last places in America where the 7th commandment's prohibition on adultery and homosexual activity is enforced, largely because of action's taken by America's Supreme Court and by the apathy towards sexual immorality felt by most Americans.

Let's be clear: Adultery and homosexual acts are both sinful, and both deserve severe criminal consequences. God justly authorized Moses to use capital punishment for both offenses, and it would be just for any modern government to do the same. I'm not taking this opportunity to say that a lesser punishment would necessarily be wrong, just pointing out that capital punishment would be just.

There are a lot of folks who don't like that view: they hate the truth that sexual relations outside of marriage are sinful, and for them it is headline news when a General stands up and says (even heavily qualified, the way poor Gen. Pace put it) that such actions are wrong.

Gen. Pace, in the unlikely event that you read this, be strong! Don't be afraid to state without qualification as to your upbringing that sex outside of marriage is wrong, is sinful, and is immoral. Don't feel compelled to compromise just because many people who were guilty of such sins have contributed much (in other regards) to America. Surely they have, and so have many others who do immoral acts.

I can tell from your comments that you will not, but I wish to exhort you, sir, not to compromise on moral issues. Ever, sir.


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