Saturday, October 20, 2007

Declension of Thou

Apparently some people find reading Elizabethan English challenging. For their benefit, the following irregular declension.


Thou / Ye

E.G. Thou shalt not kill.



Thou / Ye

E.G. O ye of little faith.



Thee / You

E.G. He shall rule over thee.



Thine / Your

E.G. Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.



Thy (Thine) / Yours

E.G. Take now thy son, thine only son, Isaac ...


Was that so hard?



  1. Actually, these pronouns better convey the meaning of Biblical passages. For instance, the NASB reading of John 3:7 says,

    "Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'"

    The reader might think that the "You" in the passage is Nicodemus. But look at the KJV rendering of the same verse.

    "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again."

    "Ye" is used, not "Thou." IOW, Jesus was not referring to Nicodemus alone.

    Nice post.

  2. yes,

    but after your posting, no.

  3. Conjugation:

    First person
    have (had, past tense)

    Second person
    hast (hadst, past tense)

    Third person
    has (had, past tense)

  4. Albert: That's one of the reasons I favor the KJV: it maintains the singular/plural distinction found in the original languages.

    Natamllc: Great!

    EM: Yes, probably the conjugation of various verbs is worth noting, both as to the changes in the second person singular conjugations (often ending in -est) and also in many cases to the third person singular conjugations (often ending in -eth).


  5. I decline further comment.

  6. Thanks for your last line , it made me smile. I love reading old English, I find it makes me really think about the what the words are trying to say. I like your Blog very much, don't stop.Thank you.

  7. Dear EV,
    Glad you enjoy.

    May God be glorified!


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