Friday, December 14, 2007

Repost of Followup Questions

1) Is Christ's taking away "the legal claims of the law" of any ultimate benefit to the reprobate? If so, what?

2) Ransom is deliverance language, true, but it specifically is deliverance by payment (in English, anyhow - cf. Proverbs 6:35 or 13:8 or Psalm 49:7 or Job 36:18). Is your claim that this is a mistranslation (or just weak translation) or that it has become a weak translation (because English used to mean something else) or what?Is "delivered ... out of the Law of death" exactly equal to having the "legal claims of the law" removed, or are you trying to say something different here?

3) Was Christ the federal head of mankind (exhaustively) only with respect to the "legal claims of the law"? (or with respect to other aspects of salvation, assuming there are other aspects)

4) Does the Father also desire those to come whom the Son desires to come? If so, why does not the Father draw all men universally to himself? If not, why does the Son differ in his desire from the Father?

Those are the previous questions that I asked on your blog, and to which - as far as I can tell - you never responded.

To those, I add:

5) If the sin of the reprobate has been "wiped away" - on what legal basis are they judged?



  1. TF:

    oops...sorry about that.

    We need to figure out what we want to do with these questions. Being, I have posted today on some clarification stuff, we still have the Hebrews 10:10-14 post to deal with, and on the side, we are talking about Shedd...

    What would you like me to do with these questions? Should we wait until after Hebrews 10?

    Let me know your thoughts.

    I am going to put this answer to your question over at Contend as well.

  2. Dear Seth,

    No problem.

    Since I've taken the time to start this thing on Shedd, and since it seems (to me, anyhow) rather clear what Shedd says, let me try to finish that up this evening.

    Then I'll go back to preparing my response on Hebrews 10.

    If you'd like (in parallel, sequence, or whatever) you could prepare responses to those questions.



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