Monday, January 28, 2008

Surprising Developments in the Federal Vision

The Auburn Avenue congregation has voted to leave the PCA, and to call Wilkins (their current pastor) to continue on as their pastor. They have also voted to join Doug Wilson's "federation" the CREC. This will presumably result in Steve Wilkins asking to be transferred out of the PCA, although he has been referred to the PCA SJC for trial for his notorious heresy by the Lousiana Presbytery.

I suspect that his request to leave will be granted, and that his departure will signal to the other Federal Visionists in the PCA that it is time to conform to Scriptural doctrine or depart out.

I am sorry to see people leaving rather than heeding godly discipline, but what can we do except continue to pray and continue to reach out to them as errant brethren.




  1. The church doesn't need permission to leave, since belonging to Presbytery is a purely voluntary connection. He and the church are already gone. They belong to the CREC now.

  2. Thanks for the tip.

    You're clearly more well versed in the relevant rules than I am.

    I would have thought that Steve Wilkins could not leave the Presbytery without "permission."

    I also would have thought that it would be the vote of the session, not the congregation, that would decide realignment.

  3. Having just read these Words:::>

    Job 42:9 So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went and did what the LORD had told them, and the LORD accepted Job's prayer.

    "....did what the LORD had told them,...." It is my Prayer that all of God's people, young and old, would do as well as these three.

    And that all of God's people, young and old, were so much so with God and as obedient, that when God tells you to do something, you do it!

    Not knowing much about it, I still maintain my coveted position of being restored to Christ, that that Adam lost by being less than those three friends of Job; they too, obviously restored to Him!

    "Lord" where? when? now?

    "Yes My Lord" "Yes"!!


  4. Yes, and Amen, the Word of God is our ultimate rule of faith.


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