Monday, February 11, 2008

Doctrinal Innovation on the Horizon

As reported here (link - link to the source), and previously predicted by Dr. James White, five cardinals have begun the process necsesary to persuade Benedict XVI to dogmatize certain Marian dogmas that are (in some cases) clearly contrary to Scripture and (in those and in other cases) without exegetical Scriptural warrant.

The blasphemous proposed wording is as follows:

Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of man, gave to humanity from the Cross his mother Mary to be the spiritual Mother of all peoples, the Co-redemptrix, who under and with her Son cooperated in the Redemption of all people; the Mediatrix of all graces, who as Mother brings us the gifts of eternal life; and the Advocate, who presents our prayers to her Son.

I hope that God will have mercy on the Roman Catholic Church and preserve them from this blasphemous further descent into Mariolatry. I don't have great confidence that He will do so, and if He does not, it will be a judgment against what remains formally and in name a church of Christ, but which has long ceased to preach with purity the gospel of Christ.



  1. Those wishing for a slightly better understanding of this proposed Marian doctrine may wish to click on this link, a petition made by Mother Teresa.

  2. HO,

    I visited the link, but amazingly did not obtain any further insight into the proposal.

    Perhaps it's worth clarifying that this innovation has been looming for a while now.

    Of course, no one is required (yet) as a matter of faith to believe the Marian heresies set forth in either Cardinals' proposal or the letter in the link.



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