Saturday, March 01, 2008

Mormon Theology from a Mormon

When the two young men show up at your door, most will not make a presentation like the one that follows. Nevertheless, for someone wanting to see some of the differences between Christianity and Mormonism (particularly with respect to the Gospel and the afterlife), the following blog entry from Mormon Matters provides some succinct distinctions.

Obviously, I do not endorse Mormonism. Nevertheless, the article may be eye-opening if the only thing you know about Mormonism is that they wear special underwear. (link)

It is key to be aware of the fact that we teach a very different gospel from Mormonism. We teach the pure gospel taught by Jesus and the apostles.



  1. Well, all I can say is, "When did the Twilight Zone series jump off the TV and into some people's brains?" Where do you find this stuff? :o)

  2. It is certainly odd, but I hope it will be of more value than merely to entertain. Who knows when you will find yourself discussion salvation with someone who is a member of the Mormon cult?


  3. It's definitely different, but I don't know that it's any stranger than any other set of religious doctrine would sound to an outsider. I have to confess that I suspect virgin births and a man that is God who came back from the dead sounds a bit odd too to an outsider.

    And you have to confess, there is some beauty to it. The idea of everyone getting a chance to be redeemed by Christ's Grace even in hell struck me as quite beautiful. It reminds me a lot of The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis (which obviously had some strong universalists leanings). I certainly hope such a thing does turn out to be possible.


  4. Oh yes, my point is not that because their views are odd, they should be dismissed.

    Indeed, the doctrine that Christ rose from the dead after three days is something that is so odd that many are unable to believe it, although it is true.

    Instead, this post is really more for the believer who is unclear about the differences between Mormon theology and orthodox Christianity.



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