Monday, July 21, 2008

Reader Requests?

If there is an issue or doctrine on which you'd like to see more discussion, please let me know. The easiest way is to submit a comment to this post, but you can also contact me with your request by email, which is obtainable via my Blogger profile. Feel free to leave your request anonymously, if you don't want to be identified.


  1. Thanks, again, for all your great work! And thanks for asking your audience what we would be interested in.

    I would very much love to see more posts on Justification. I can't get enough study of that doctrine. In light of current ecumenical trends (ECT, JDJ etc.) I find it helpful to refresh myself on the fact that the reformation mattered with respect to this vital doctrine. As a side note, I'm not quite sure how modern Catholics can (I believe some try) say they agree with Protestants on this doctrine. It was written (I think by R.C. Sproul, my paraphrase) "by anathemitizing the reformers, they anathemitized themselves." It seems that the current trend is to blur the lines on this important truth. I mention to my Catholic friends that if the Catholic church anathematized the reformers with respect to this truth then it cannot be reversed, and we must still be at odds (unless of course the Catholic church changes, protestants change, or both change).

    Anyway, I just love that doctrine and try to learn whatever I can about it so I can better witness to Catholics that I know. Anything additional you're able to post on this doctrine would be most helpful and edifying.

    I refer to Turretin's material on this quite often. It's great stuff!

    Thanks, again! The clarity you bring is very appreciated!

  2. TurretinFan:

    I was wondering if you can address the issue of baptism from a Reformed perspective? Maybe interact a bit with John Piper's recent series on Baptism and Church membership at


  3. Have you ever heard of Psalm 151? I did, in an appendix to On the Incarnation by Athanasius published by St. Vlad's Press. It says Ps. 151 is in the Septuagint.

  4. Spiritual warfare.

    Active, progressive sanctification.

    Subjects the older theologians talk about, but the modern ones neglect or don't even recognize like watchfulness (I'm thinking of a Brakel having a separate chapter on that in his great work the Christian's Reasonable Service).


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