Monday, October 27, 2008

Voting Anguish

Many American voters with a conscience are torn by the anguish of the prospect of voting for a liberal Republican to prevent a borderline Marxist from being elected. One is reminded of the plight of the prophet Elisha.

2 Kings 8:11 And he settled his countenance stedfastly, until he was ashamed: and the man of God wept.

Why was he weeping? It was because of the bad things that Hazael, the person to whom he was talking, would do (link to graphic description).

The election in America will not yield another Hazael of Syria, but Americans with the right to vote in their election must surely be anguished between voting for the better of two rascals and letting the rest of the voters decide which rascal should serve (see more here). Weep, pray, search the Scriptures, and follow your conscience.



  1. "The election in America will not yield another Hazael of Syria"

    Here's hoping that's an unintentionally prophetic utterance. However, poor leadership will almost certainly bring about the deaths of many more sons than necessary in fields like Afghanistan and Pakistan; and the bit about ripping children from their mothers is not a complete anachronism either. We just do it more aseptically.

  2. Indeed there is voting anguish.

    Whatever the outcome, I will indeed pray for the next President like I have for every President since 1975.

    Where the battle lies is at the local levels.

    There needs to be an outcry at that level, among the mayors and councils and boards of supervisors and take back our local governments as voting Christians. The majorities always win.

    We also need to overturn any State laws that do not reflect the Truth. The Christian voting majority can do that too.

    Every "two" years every Congressperson in the House of Representatives has an election.

    Right now, if you believe the spin, the Democrats are poised to have a majority in both Houses of Congress and gain enough seats to overthrow a veto.

    Remember that every two years members of the House have an election so that they can return to Washington D.C.. The Senate is every six years.

    If the Democrats take the majority in both Houses and the Presidency, there is still legislative maneuveres the Senate can do to stop a bad bill.

    The hearts of rulers are always in the hands of God and God always hears the Prayers of the Saints when it is "Christ in them" praying!

    At the end of the day, in the United States, Christians have a right to vote. If we do not exercise that right, whose fault is that but our own?

    The best chances the Church has in every generation is to remain obedient to the Faith once delivered to the Saints and follow the Holy Ghost sent to guide us into all truth.

    God's Hand is not so short that He cannot redeem or cause an effect affecting our wills with His Will and turn the hearts of the rulers of this government!

    Consider Jesus, one man. The whole world was against Him. God selected a few losers just like us and molded them and shaped them into His image according to His Will and Purpose and now Christ is known in all the world and Bibles are available in every language on earth. Christ is not revered in all the world, yet. However we do have a "Word of Promise" that goes something like this: every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God Our Heavenly Father!

    Let's pray in agreement with King David then, this way, convinced of Whom we have believed:::>

    1Ch 16:28 Ascribe to the LORD, O clans of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength!
    1Ch 16:29 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him! Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness;
    1Ch 16:30 tremble before him, all the earth; yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved.
    1Ch 16:31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, "The LORD reigns!"
    1Ch 16:32 Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it!
    1Ch 16:33 Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth.

  3. Dear GR,

    Yes, those similiarities were in the back of my mind at the time.



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