Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Steve Ray Continues to Endorse Albrecht

I wasn't overly surprised, but I was amused to see that Steve Ray is continuing to endorse William Albrecht (aka GNRHead):

"Here is a picture of me with William Albrecht, a Catholic apologist who can [sic] to the conference to spend some time with me. He is a good guy and a good apologist for the Catholic faith." (source)
Personally, I think William Albrecht is a much more brave apologist for his religion than Steve Ray is. But regardless of what I personally think of Mr. Albrecht's quality as an apologist, these sorts of endorsements from Mr. Ray (and others in the Romanist apologetic community) help to keep Mr. Albrecht on the map as a legitimate target for our criticism as representing his religion in the lay sphere.



  1. What I can't figure out is what GNRHead is trying to say with his Luther shirt... is the point merely that Luther started out in the Catholic church? Or is he trying to say that Luther's reformatory views are consistent with Catholic teaching-- and if so, is GNRHead a closet Lutheran?

  2. I gotta be honest in saying that I think GNRHead (btw, did you know that GNRHead stood for Guns N Roses?) is one of the lamest Roman Catholic apologists I've ever heard, and I'm much more sympathetic to Roman Catholicism than many folks I know.

    I actually interacted with him a couple of times about two years ago before he landed on James White's radar. See:

    Papacy Defended?
    Papacy Defended? Part 2

  3. I had guessed that meaning from the "Poison" poster that appears in the background of some of his videos.

    He's more educated than some of the YouTube apologists - but if it were not for Steve Ray's (and others') endorsement, my attention to him would be much more limited.


  4. TJ: Ha! I have no idea. I thought perhaps there is a line through Luther's face, but I cannot see one.

  5. There is a cross-out line (you can just see the end at Luther's left shoulder), but for some reason it appears to go behind Luther's face.

  6. TF, does Mr.Albrecht, normally respond to criticisms of him.

    I posted a response at my blog to one of his videos on Macabees, informed him of it, he responded, but I never heard back from him...

  7. Mr. Albrecht has been fairly responsive to my criticisms. As he has started to get more attention, I am guessing that he has less and less time for responses. Additionally, since he carefully writes up his responses before he puts them on YouTube, he sometimes takes a while to respond.


  8. TF,

    I've never seen Steve Ray as an apologist. The pabulum posted on his site and his "glory to Rome" books isn't comparable to some of the other Roman apologists, such as Mitch Pacwa. Touting Albrecht around, in what seems to be an effort to legitimize him, doesn't do much in the eyes of those who know better. The only thing it does is validates more pabulum.

    Btw, TF, I had some free time on my hands and starting doodling with some logos. I was messing around with Jim Swan's and yours. Take a gander at this one: http://s194.photobucket.com/albums/z103/Churchmouse57/?action=view&current=TofFTheader.jpg
    It's yours for the taking :)


  9. Btw, is "Albrecht" his real name? I was watching a video of his where he was speaking Spanish. I'm Puerto Rican and speak Spanish as well. I had a conversation with him via his combox and IM on YouTube where he attempted to pass himself off as a Greek aficionado. He made a big deal about the pronunciation of the Greek. What I find funny (and he didn't know this) is that the Greek words he states in his videos are done with a Spanish accent. Even when he attempts Latin words, they are distinctively done with a Spanish accent. Again, because I recognize it, I find it funny.

  10. He seems to be studying Greek, though perhaps it is just self-study.

    Yes, he does seem to be much more familiar with Spanish, and he does seem to pronounce bothe Greek and Latin with a Spanish accent.

    I'm not sure whether Albrecht is his real name - but it is the name he goes by.

  11. Thanks for the banner!

    As for Ray, the main place I see him doing apologetics these days is on the "Catholic Answers" Radio Show.


  12. William speaks Spanish and English with native fluency. I believe he's at least half-hispanic. Perhaps he's got some German in him as well. The funny thing about speaking Greek with a Spanish accent is that it's probably much closer to how Koine sounded than the horrid Erasmian pronunciation taught in seminaries. Chrys Caragounis and Randall Buth (while differing slightly) are both onto something when it comes to pronunciation. And as far as I know his study of Greek is self study.


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