Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Works of Hugh Binning - Index

Hugh Binning is little known today. However, in his day he was viewed as one of the leading young Scottish ministers. It is even reported that John Owen was left unable to answer his arguments. (link to a brief biography - slightly longer version) He died at the young age of 26, but left behind a body of works that continue to testify to the Spirit that worked in him. Perhaps his works, as well as the more complete biography found in the 1851 edition of his works, will serve as encouragement for young men embarking on ministry, evangelism, and apologetics.

Via Google (1735 Edition)
Via Archive Volume 1 (1839 Edition)
Via Archive Volume 2 (1839 Edition)
Via Archive - Unified Edition (3rd Edition, 1851)

Several of Binning's works are available in html format, as follows:

The Common Principles of the Christian Religion, Clearly Proved, and Singularly Improved; or, A Practical Catechism.

An Useful Case of Conscience, Learnedly and Accurately Discussed and Resolved, Concerning Associations and Confederacies with Idolaters, Infidels, Heretics, Malignants or any other Known Enemies of Truth and Godliness.

A Treatise of Christian Love.



(More Binning Resources Here)


  1. Never heard of him. Cool, thanks. :)

  2. So much, so much and now some more!

    I have pasted this writings onto a "new" folder on my desktop so I can read them at will!

    Thanks TF for digging out good reads!

    Got more? :)

  3. Do you know what the argument was that Owen could not answer?

  4. No, I do not. It may well have been on an issue connected with Cromwell's treason against Charles I.

  5. As I am going through now reading Hugh Binning I thought a tease might be in order?

    Binning, from Lecture 1, God's Glory....:

    "....God is independent altogether, and self-sufficient. This is his royal prerogative, wherein he infinitely transcends all created perfection. He is of himself, and for himself; from no other, and for no other, ‘but of him, and for him, are all things.’ He is the fountain-head; you ought to follow the streams up to it, and then to rest, for you can go no farther....".

    When you arrive, you know it!

    Psa 46:4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High.
    Psa 46:5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.
    Psa 46:6 The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts.
    Psa 46:7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah


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