Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Mormonism 101 - Index Page

In 2007, Dr. White provided a helpful series on Mormonism, entitled, "Mormonism 101." Until now, there does not seem to have been a handy index of those posts. I've provided such an index below, using the headlines that Dr. White provided at the time. I've also thrown in a special item that was released on Mormonism during the series, and a link to a pdf version of an article on Mormonism that was released shortly after the series completed.

Mormonism 101: Badly Needed in our Culture Today

Mormonism 101: The First Vision Continued

Mormonism 101: More on the LDS Scripture's View of God

Mormonism 101 Continued

Mormonism 101: Second Level Statements: The King Follett Discourse (#1)

Mormonism 101: Second Level Statements: The King Follett Discourse (#2)

Mormonism 101: Second Level Statements: The King Follett Discourse (#3)

Mormonism 101: Second Level Statements: The King Follett Discourse (#4)

Mormonism 101: Second Level Statements (More)

Mormonism 101: Second Level Statements (Final)

Mormonism 101: Third Level Statements (#1)

- Special - Jesus and Lucifer: Spirit Brothers?

Mormonism 101: Third Level Statements (#2)

Mormonism 101: Third Level Statements (#3)

Mormonism 101: Third Level Statements (#4)

Mormonism 101: Fourth Level Statements (#1)

Mormonism 101: Fourth Level Statements (#2)

Mormonism 101: Fourth Level Statements (#3)

Mormonism 101: Fourth Level Statements (#4)

Mormonism 101: Fourth Level Statements--Final You Graduated!

"Truth and Honesty in Evaluating the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." (pdf format) - Reprinted at the link with permission from reformation21. The Online Magazine of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, 24 (Sept. 2007).



1 comment:

  1. This is very exciting, TF! Thanks so much for posting this!

    I've read through portions of Dr. White's "Letters to a Mormon Elder" online, and I've been meaning to dig into aomin's archives to find more information on the LDS, but your links here will save me a ton of time!

    In Christ,


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