Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Resources: "This Week in Calvinism"

Lee Shelton IV posts (generally weekly) an item he calls "This Week in Calvinism" (link to the series). It covers interesting posts on Calvinism, including criticisms of Calvinism. My understanding is that he uses "Calvinism" quite broadly; where or not I'm mistaken in my understanding, his round-up posts are enjoyable.


  1. Hello TFan. I know it's not what the post is about, however, do you have any recommendations on where to educate oneself when it comes to creation and evolution? The whole Waltke situation has just brought up a lot of issues. Thanks.

  2. As far as specialty pages on Creationism that atheists absolutely hate, Answers in Genesis has to be the leader.

    Steve Hays at Triablogue has some very good material as well.

    Most importantly, read Genesis 1-5. Don't stop at chapter 4, force yourself to read chapter 5.

    Chapter 5 is the best argument against a non-literal interpretation of Genesis 1-3.

  3. Thanks sir. BTW would you have anything to say about this: http://www.internetmonk.com/archive/imonk-classic-to-be-or-not-to-be-or-why-i%E2%80%99m-not-a-young-earth-creationist

    And another thing, you don't do speaking engagements do you?

  4. I think the article presents the usual non-arguments against YEC.

    I have done speaking engagements before, but there are far more exciting speakers than me (the article actually mentions one of those, Ken Ham).



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