Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Response to David Meyer on Sola Scriptura

David Meyer wrote: "At the end of the Sola Scriptura authority tunnel I find a mirror and a clown suit. I'm not going to put it on. Christ either gave us a church that has a single knowable doctrine, or this is all just a big joke." (source)

I answer:

I've found that the end of the Sola Scriptura authority tunnel has a book. That book is very near to me, in my heart and mouth that I may obey it (Deuteronomy 30:14). It is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105). It is pure, which is why I love it (Psalm 119:140).

It is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). It doesn't provide a clown suit, but it does outfit me, rendering me complete, throughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:17).

It was written so that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing we might have life through his name (John 20:31). Furthermore, it was written so that those who believe may know that they have eternal life (1 John 5:13).

That book, of course, is the divinely inspired Bible - the Holy Scriptures. Having that book doesn't mean always being right about everything, or even being absolutely sure of every last doctrine. What it does involve, however, is believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and possessing eternal life through faith in Him.



  1. Most people like clowns, but no one wants to be made a fool, therefore it's ironic that an apologist for the biggest, most elaborate religious hoax ever to disgrace planet earth would endeavor to dismiss and ridicule those who reject his communion's wild and unsubstantiated claims because they trust in God's Word alone.

    Perhaps he should look in the mirror a bit more closely.

    Furthermore I wonder if Mr. Meyer would be so kind as to enunciate and/or enumerate that alleged "single knowable doctrine".

    Would it be the dogma of papal infallibility?

    Perhaps it's to be found among the Marian dogmas?

    Maybe he can present a single example of Rome's vaunted "tradition" for examination?

    I won't hold my breath.

    In Christ,

  2. Coram Deo.

    David Meyer is not Catholic, or at least he does not profess to be Catholic.


    I read some recent posts of yours. I see that the guise of rational dialog has been lifted and replaced with vitriol.

    Sorry to see that.

  3. When I said, "David Meyer is not Catholic, or at least he does not profess to be Catholic" I did not mean to imply that he is lying about not being Catholic. Sorry it came out that way.

    (By the way TFan, to the substance of your post...Catholics believe that scripture is all of those things as well (lamp to our feet/good for reproof ect).

  4. Blogahon,

    a) Meyer has already stated that he plans to join the RCC.

    b) Thanks for your opinion about what "Catholics believe." Unfortunately, it's not so. We see that in comments like Meyer's comment. We see it in things like Bryan's post. We see it in the incessant attacks on Scripture's perspicuity.


  5. I believe curses of Romans 11 were fulfilled in October, 1517. If you were on the receiving end of those curses, you'd want an authority to reinterpret what it plainly says too.

  6. For the record here is a link to his previous comment:


  7. Anonymous:

    I'm not sure how that link is particularly germane ...

    Nevertheless, since we are filling out the record, here are (in reverse order) two of his previous comments:

    "Yes, I am making a change ..."

    "I also wish to thank “lojahw” and TurretinFan for helping me decide to steer my family down the road to becomming Catholic. " (apology from him for the way that was worded)

    So, still officially PCA/CREC/FV but already on his way to Rome.


  8. WOW, 830 or so comments.

    ... I read Mathison a while back and honestly, if I had to rely on that or RC Sproul's defense of Sola Scriptura I'd probably be Catholic (at least, if that were the only issue). William Webster and David King present a much more comprehensive defense in their 3 volume set.


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