Monday, May 10, 2010

Inquiry Committee for Ergun Caner

It appears that Liberty University is forming an inquiry committee to "look into these matters" with respect to Dr. Ergun Caner (link to source). An answer is expected by June 30. Let's pray that God will grant both Dr. Caner and the committee wisdom and grace in dealing with this matter.


  1. Wait a minute...didn't LU already exonerate Caner as not having done anything "theologically inappropriate?" What changed?

    Oh, right. The secular media's a knockin' on the door now. "Nuts to the Christian community and those hell-bound Calvinists, but we'd better get our act together for the secular world."

    You put it more graciously than I, TF.

  2. Proverbs 21:23 Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue, keeps himself out of trouble

    Proverbs 19:5 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.

    I don't wish Dr. Caner any ill. And certainly, we must hear out a matter before we judge.However, he cannot escape the consequences of violating the law and wisdom of our Lord.


  3. Regardless of their final resolution of this matter, the fact that Liberty U. cites reports from the secular media and NOT legitimate concerns over Caner's violation of Biblical standards of personal integrity as the reason for this investigation destroys their Christian testamony. I don't think I could EVER recommend that a young Christian student go to that place.


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