Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Intellectual Pit Bull of the evangelical world"

One of the claims that formerly appeared on Dr. Caner's website was as follows:
He has been called the "Intellectual Pit Bull of the evangelical world" by the national media.
(see here)(see it copied at here)

A friend encouraged me to track this down. I did find a few references in the national media to such an expression. I found it in three articles:

May 5, 2005, a Marine Corps Press Release stated, among other things:
Caner has appeared on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and PAX, publicly debated Michael Moore, director of Fahrenheit 9/11, in a syndicated newspaper column, appeared in the LA Times and Washington Post, and is known to national media as the "Intellectual Pit Bull of the Evangelical World," according to his Web site.
May 1, 2005, Bill Broadway (name in "Compiled by" line) writes in the Washington Post:
The new dean of the theological seminary at the Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., is a former Muslim who has been called the "intellectual pit bull of the evangelical world," according to his Web site. And Falwell's appointment of Ergun Mehmet Caner to take over the 2,000-student seminary in July has Muslim and Arab American groups bristling.
February 19, 2005, Ron Brown writes in the Winston-Salem Journal (It seems to have been published there, though Ron Brown writes for the Lynchburg paper, the News and Advance):
Caner, dubbed the "intellectual pit bull of the evangelical world" by a Thomas Road Baptist Church advertisement, has become known for his humorous and pointed preaching.
Before February 19, 2005, I could not find any reference in the "national media." If anyone is aware of any factual basis for the claim that the national media referred to him as "intellectual pit bull of the evangelical world," I'd like to see it. Obviously, the national media goes beyond my favorite form of media (print) and also includes television and radio. Perhaps Ron Brown accurately reported the TRBC advertisement, but overlooked that the advertisement was based on some earlier (as yet undiscovered) media dubbing of Caner.

- TurretinFan

Photo Credit: Lance Cpl. Michael Angelo took the photo above, which is public domain (photographer credit requested).


  1. Turretin,

    Thank you for your hard work tracking down these facts. If you know of EC transcribed speech or sermons please give the links.

    Thank you

  2. When, I wonder, did he debate Michael Moore? I can't find any evidence beyond Caner himself.

    He apparently wrote an editorial about Michael Moore

    "Following my editorial two weeks ago, entitled "Hatriotism
    and Michael Moore,""

    but no sign of a debate. Though another site has

    "He debated Michael Moore in a nationally syndicated column entitled "Hatriotism.""

    I wonder if time confused the memory and editorial became debate in a column.

  3. Some guy named Fred Butler said this way back in February of '06

    This fellow is considered the "intellectual pit bull of the evangelical world" and he refuses to dog fight with James White in a debate on Calvinism, a belief system I suppose Dr. Caner finds intellectually vapid.

    Are we sure the folks are not mistaking a pug for a pit bull? They do know what a pit bull is? Right?


  4. It reminds me of Michael Jackson. He dubbed himself the King of Pop.

  5. I went looking for this same information a month or so ago. I found the exact same things you did.

    Someone did point out to me that Dr. Gary Habermas was referred to as that by Strobel in "The Case for Christ" but I did not confirm that. I will have to see if I still have that on my office bookshelf.

  6. I think "Method Actor of the evangelical world" would be a more appropriate descriptor.

    Of course this is just one man's opinion.

    In Christ,

  7. And lets not forget the "I'm built for confrontation" comments usually associated with his debating claims.

    Speaking of confrontation, I'd like to see TRBC do some Matthew 18.

  8. From the May 5, 2005 Press Release

    ---“We were able to receive a variety of benefits from his teachings. The PME on misconceptions brought a patriotic kind of appreciation, the PME on jihads brought military knowledge, and his sermon at (Memorial) Chapel was a spiritual event. It was a tremendous blessing, and I think we got a lot from it,” he said.

    One of the major themes of Caner’s lectures was his appreciation for the servicemembers and their missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    “You have freed us and are stepping back so we take control,” he said. “We have been enabled to think for ourselves. I don’t think anyone can be against that.”

    Caner is a Turish-born Muslim who immigrated to America in 1978 with his father. In 1982, he converted to Christianity and, in effect, was disowned by his family, according to his Web site.

    “I went from being a Turk and a Muslim to becoming an American and a Christian,” he said. “I have half sisters who are now learning how to read, and that is amazing, thank you.” ---

    It is unbelieveable to think he said this, knowing what we know.


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