Friday, June 11, 2010

Karl Joseph von Hefele - A History of the Christian Councils: from the original documents

The work of von Hefele in assembling the materials regarding the history of Christian councils is significant. While his opinions and conclusions may be subject to bias, I have yet to hear any criticism that he falsified the source materials included in his work. With that in mind, I present the following downloadable editions of his work in English translation (translation from the German original by William R. Clark):

Second Edition, Revised (1872)

Volume 1 (second copy)


Volume 2 (Second Copy)

Second Edition, Revised (1883)

Volume 1


Volume 3 (Second Copy)

Second Edition, Revised (1894)

Volume 1 (Second Copy)


Volume 4 (Second Copy)


Volume 2

Volume 5 (Second Copy)

(all links are to



  1. Wow, what a resource.

    I'm a guy who likes real books, but things like this may persuade me to get a Sony Reader or something like that.

    (By the way, if anyone has any experience with book readers and, I'd be interested in hearing it.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Alexander: I wasn't offended by your comment, in fact I got a chuckle out of it. I just wanted to avoid confusion from folks who come here at a later date when the other issue you mentioned is long forgotten. Thanks for your comment.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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