Monday, June 28, 2010

When Can We Expect Our Apology?

Elmer Towns of Liberty University, prior to conducting an investigation of the facts surrounding the Ergun Caner scandal, alleged: "The arguments of the bloggers would not stand up in court." (source) The outcome of the investigation was that the committee found: "found discrepancies related to matters such as dates, names and places of residence" (source) - exactly the sorts of discrepancies that had been argued by bloggers.

When can we bloggers expect an apology from Elmer Towns of Liberty University?


  1. Never happen. That type doesn't do that.

  2. TF,

    over at a blog by Wade Burleson, "Grace and Truth to You", a commenter linked to "The Squirrel in Babylon blog" where a reference was made about you.

    Did anyone from the LU official investigative body investigating Dr. Caner contact you directly and inquire more fully about your knowledge of this whole affair?

  3. NatAmLLC: I'd rather not discuss the investigation.


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