Wednesday, January 19, 2011

List of Available Debates By Dr. James White

Many of you may know that Dr. James White has done a lot of debates. Many of those debates are available through the Alpha and Omega Ministry's on-line store. I've attempted to provide links to as many of those debates as possible, below. I should note that Dr. White has conducted many other debates as well, as can be seen from his bio page (link to page). And, of course, I should note that not all of the "debates" in this list are formal debates - some are radio debates or discussions, and I have tried to indicate that in the list.

Atheism Debates
  1. Is the Bible for Real? | James White vs. Robert S. Dietz and Robert Funk (mp3 or CD)
  2. Is the Bible True? | James White vs. Robert Price (DVD, mp4, mp3, or CD)
  3. Is the New Testament Evil? | James White vs. David Silverman (Blu-Ray, DVD, mp3, or CD)
  4. Call-in Radio Debate | James White vs. ("Fundamentalists Anonymous") Ann McKinney (mp3 or CD)
  5. Radio Debate | James White vs. ("American Atheist Society") Brian Lynch (mp3 or CD)
  6. Radio Debate | James White vs. ("Freedom from Religion Foundation") Dan Barker (mp3 or CD)
  7. Jesus: Myth or Messiah | James White vs. Dan Barker (mp3)
  8. The Triune God of Scripture Lives | James White vs. Dan Barker (DVD, mp4, mp3, or CD)
Baptism Debates
  1. The Paedobaptism debate | James White and Geoff Volker vs. Gary Johnson and Robert Strimple (mp3 or CD)
  2. The Baptism Debate | James White vs. Bill Shishko (DVD, mp4, mp3, or CD)
Biblical Issues
  1. Did the Bible Misquote Jesus? | James White vs. Bart Ehrman (mp3 or CD)
  2. Is the Bible True? | James White vs. ("Jesus Seminar") John Dominic Crossan (DVD, mp3, or CD)
Calvinism Debates
  1. God's Irresistible Grace | James White vs. Dave Hunt (mp3 or CD)
  2. Predestination and Election | James White vs. (Church of Christ) Paul Barber (mp3 or CD)
  3. The "Read My Book" Debate on Bible Answer Man | James White vs. George Bryson (mp3 or CD)
  4. The Calvinism Debate (Two topics: The Will of Man and Limited Atonement) | James White vs. Pastor James Barker (mp3 or CD)
  5. Freedom of God in Salvation Debate | James White vs. Steve Gregg (mp3 or CD)
  6. The Regeneration and Perseverance Debate | James White vs. Robert Wilkin (mp3 or CD)
  7. Who Controls Salvation? | James White vs. George Bryson (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  1. Is Homosexuality Compatible with Christianity? | James White vs. Barry Lynn (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  2. Is Homosexuality Compatible with Christianity? | James White vs. John Shelby Spong (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  3. The Gay Marriage Debate | James White vs. (Metropolitan Community Church) Dee Bradshaw (mp4 or mp3)
  1. Does the Bible Teach Jesus is God? | James White vs. Sheikh Jalal Abualrub (DVD)
  2. Does the New Testament Teach that Jesus is God? | James White vs. Hamza Abdul Malik (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  3. Is the New Testament We Possess Today Inspired? | James White vs. Shabir Ally (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  4. The Cross Debate | James White vs. Shabir Ally (DVD, mp4, mp3, or CD)
  5. The Great Trinity Debate | James White vs. Abdullah al Andalusi (mp3 or CD)
"Jehovah's Witnesses"
  1. Is Jesus God or a god? | James White vs. Greg Stafford (DVD, mp3, or CD)
King James Version Only-ism
  1. Is the King James the Best Version | James White vs. D.A. Waite (mp3 or CD)
  2. Radio Debate - New Age Bible Versions | James White vs. Gail Riplinger (mp3 or CD)
  3. Radio Debate - The KJV and the Deity of Christ | James White vs. Thomas Holland (mp3 or CD)
Oneness Theology
  1. How Biblical is the Trinity? | James White vs. Robert Sabin (mp3 or CD)
Open Theism
  1. Does God Know the Future? | James White vs. John Sanders (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  2. Is Knowing Jesus the Only Way to be Saved? | James White vs. John Sanders (DVD, mp3, or CD)
Mormonism Debates
  1. Can Men Become Gods? | James White vs. (Mormon) Martin Tanner (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  2. Christianity vs. Mormonism | James White vs. Van Hale (mp3 or CD)
  3. Defending "Letters to a Mormon Elder" in Salt Lake City | James White vs. Daniel C. Peterson and William Hamblin (mp3 or CD)
  4. Is Mormonism Christian? | James White vs. Van Hale (mp3 or CD)
  5. Live Call-in Radio Debate in Salt Lake City | James White vs. Van Hale and Alma Alred (mp3 or CD)
  6. What is Accomplished in the Atonement? | James White vs. Dennis Potter (mp3 or CD)
  7. What is Sin? The Fall of Adam and Its Consequences | James White vs. Gilbert Scharffs (mp3 or CD)
  8. ("Discussion") The Bible and Its Origins | James White and Van Hale (mp3 or CD)
  9. ("Discussion") The Origins of Christianity | James White and Richard Hopkins (mp3 or CD)
Roman Catholicism
  1. Are Roman Catholics Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ? | James White vs. Douglas Wilson (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  2. Are the Scriptures the Sole Infallible Rule of Faith? | James White vs. Mitchell Pacwa (mp3 or CD)
  3. By Faith Alone? | James White vs. Gerry Matatics (mp3 or CD)
  4. Did Mary Have Other Children? | James White vs. Gerry Matatics (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  5. Does the Bible Teach Sola Scriptura? | James White vs. Patrick Madrid (mp3 or CD)
  6. ("Discussion") Bible Answer Man "Debate" | James White vs. Jimmy Akin (mp3 or CD)
  7. ("Discussion") Bible Answer Man "Debate" | James White vs. Tim Staples (mp3 or CD)
  8. ("Discussion") Bible Answer Man Discussion before the Papacy Debate | James White vs. Tim Staples (mp3 or CD)
  9. How Biblical and Ancient is the Papacy? | James White vs. Mitchell Pacwa (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  10. Indulgences | James White vs. Robert Fastigi (mp3 or CD)
  11. Is it Possible for a Non-Christian to Enter into Heaven? | James White vs. Bill Rutland (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  12. Is the Apocrypha Scripture? | James White vs. Gary Michuta (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  13. Is the Bible the Only Infallible Rule of Faith? | James White vs. Tim Staples (mp3 or CD)
  14. Is the Mass a Propitiatory Sacrifice? | James White vs. Robert Sungenis (mp3 or CD)
  15. Is the Mass Biblical and Ancient? | James White vs. Robert Sungenis (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  16. Is the Roman Catholic Priesthood Biblical and Ancient? | James White vs. Mitchell Pacwa (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  17. Justification by Faith? | James White vs. Robert Fastigi (mp3 or CD)
  18. Justification by Faith | James White vs. Mitchell Pacwa (mp3 or CD)
  19. Justification by Faith Debate | James White vs. Robert Sungenis (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  20. Papal Infallibility | James White vs. Robert Fastigi (mp3 or CD)
  21. Papal Infallibility | James White vs. Tim Staples (mp3 or CD)
  22. Papal Infallibility | James White vs. Robert Sungenis (mp3 or CD)
  23. Perseverance | James White vs. Jimmy Akin (mp3 or CD)
  24. Purgatory: Biblical or Mythical? | James White vs. Peter Stravinskas (DVD, mp3, or CD)
  25. Sola Scriptura I | James White vs. Gerry Matatics (mp3 or CD)
  26. Sola Scriptura II | James White vs. Gerry Matatics (mp3 or CD)
  27. The Apocrypha Debate | James White vs. Gerry Matatics (mp3 or CD)
  28. The Boston College Papacy Debate | James White and Rob Zins vs. Robert Sungenis and Scott Butler (mp3 or CD)
  29. The Eternal Security Debate | James White vs. Gerry Matatics (mp3 or CD)
  30. The Immaculate Conception Debate | James White vs. Christopher Ferrara (Blu-Ray, DVD, mp3, or CD)
  31. The Lost Debate (Justification) | James White vs. Art Sippo (mp3 or CD)
  32. The Marian Doctrines | James White vs. Robert Fastigi (mp3 or CD)
  33. The Marian Doctrines | James White vs. Gerry Matatics (mp4, mp3, or CD)
  34. The Mass | James White vs. Mitchell Pacwa (mp3 or CD)
  35. The Papacy | James White vs. Vinney Lewis (mp3 or CD)
  36. The Papacy | James White vs. Gerry Matatics (mp3 or CD)
  37. Veneration of Saints and Images | James White vs. Patrick Madrid (mp3 or CD)
  38. Was Peter a Pope? | James White vs. Gerry Matatics (mp3 or CD)
N.B. This list is what I could find in the Alpha and Omega Ministries Store (link to store). The store gets updated from time to time, whereas this page may or may not be updated. If you see any corrections that should be made, please let me know.



  1. This is exactly what I've been looking for!

    Thank you.

  2. Doesn't look like he's had enough debates on Roman Catholicism. :)

    In Christ,
    Pete Holter

  3. There two very useful radio debates between Dr White and Oneness Pentecostal theologian David Benard at this link:


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