Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just Give us the Identity of TurretinFan!

I am ... T U R R E T I N F A N

Thanks, my fellow slaves!

(cue single tear running down my cheek)


  1. I'm sure there is a reason for all this as this has been popping up everywhere lately. Care to share?

  2. Ha! You'd like to think that you're TurretinFan. Truth is, I am TurretinFan.

    Yep, that's right.

    Did you know that you are actually a pudgy Midwestern housewife married to an Old Testament scholar from Egypt?

    And that you really like baking, eating Oreos, and reading Russian literature!?

    Ha! I bet you didn't.

  3. Strangely, Nora, the whole "reading Russian literature" thing fits...

    But, of course, I am TurretinFan!


  4. Fusion: I view it as some of my friends expressing their support for me, and my expressing my appreciation for their support.

    Nora: that does explain my Oreo cookie cravings and fondness for the Old Testament!

  5. TF, not being a supporter of either you or Turretin, but rather, seeing both of you point to God in all your writings, or, you when you speak through some mediums I have heard you speak through. God, because They are Who are the supporters of my soul, I listen to what you have to say!

    For the most part it does line up with what the Spirit speaks to my soul.

    God being a supporter of wretched souls is quite an amazing reality indeed!

    Whether or not that clip about Spartacus depicts historical truth, we who have been supported by God should stand up and proclaim, as those men did for him, "I am for Christ", not according to our will, but according to the Will of God. I am for Christ, humbly remembering my friend Peter of the First Century! :)

  6. Yes, Christ must increase and we must decrease!

  7. T-fan,
    Are you cowardly?

  8. I prefer "circumspect."

  9. Why would you call him a coward? There is nothing wrong with who he is as being a mystery. The most important thing is the good quality of the articles he makes in his apologetics. He has done this as far as I am concerned.


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