Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Presbyterians - Give me an AV

Presbyterians' [Fn1] new hit single, "Give me an AV"[Fn2] (tune)

Hey over there
Please forgive me
If I like the good “King Jim”[Fn3]
Hate to stare
At your Bible
While they play my favorite hymn[Fn4]

So come here
'Little closer
Wanna whisper in your ear
Make it clear
Little question
Wanna know just how you feel

If I said I miss my “thees” and “thous”
If we could escape the crowd[Fn5] somehow
If I said I want your Bible now
Would you give me an AV?

Cause it speaks of paradise
And I need a translation tonight[Fn6]
So if I said I want your Bible now
Would you give me an AV?

Hey you might think
That I'm crazy[Fn7]
But you know it sounds just right
I might be 'little hazy[Fn8]
But you just cannot deny

There's a book inbetween us
When we hear the preacher preach
I want more
Wanna see it
So I'm asking you tonight

If I said I miss my “thees” and “thous”
If we could escape the crowd somehow
If I said I want your Bible now
Would you give me an AV?

Cause it speaks of paradise
And I need a translation tonight
So if I said I want your Bible now
Would you give me an AV?

If I said I want your Bible
Would you give me an AV??

(Yeah) (Uh huh) (Oh)

Gimme something good
Don't wanna wait I need to read (na-na-neat)
Read it like you should
And show me how you exegete[Fn9]


If I said I miss my “thees” and “thous”
If I said I want your Bible now
Would you give me an AV?

If I said I miss my “thees” and “thous”
If we could escape the crowd somehow
If I said I want your Bible now
Would you give me an AV?

Cause it speaks of paradise
And I need a translation tonight
So if I said I want your Bible now
Would you give me an AV?[Fn10]

  1. "Presbyterians" is an anagram of Britney Spears, the singer whose song ("Hold it Against Me") is being parodied.
  2. AV is an abbreviation for the "Authorized Version" also known as the King James Version, which is celebrating its 400th anniversary this year.
  3. I don't know anyone who actually refers to their King James Bible as "King Jim," but they could!
  4. I don't actually endorse hymns of merely human composition, but "King Joms" to rhyme with "Psalms" was even more of a stretch.
  5. The crowd of modern translations, of course: NASB, ESV, NKJV, Message, Living Bible, Amplified Bible, HCSB, etc.
  6. After the Sunday evening worship service, or perhaps after the mandatory (see Hezekiah 3:16) Wednesday night Bible study.
  7. And not just because I turned a Britney Spears' song into a song about the King James Bible.
  8. Hazy from trying to wade through all 15 of the archaic words found in the book.
  9. You knew it was coming.
  10. I hope this has been "relevant" enough for you.


  1. He be pseudonymous,
    don't confuse it wit' anonymous,
    Reformed apologist...

    Mah man, TF!

    5-points & 5 Solas be on his list,
    Hard-core Presby anti-Visionist...

    Mah man, TF!

    Rome's e-pologists he's burnin';
    Wit' epic book learnin';
    Got's to be discernin';

    Mah man, TF!

    Dissectin' country bumpkins
    like Peter Lumpkins,
    You know he had it comin'

    Mah man, TF!

    Don't step up wit' weak stuff,
    Ya know he plays rough;
    Tops in his session,
    Memorizin' da Confession;

    Declarin' da infinity,
    of 'da Trinity-
    One true God in three:
    and by his theology,
    He honors the God of me,
    my brother I love thee;

    Mah man, TF!

    preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 2 Tim 4:2

    In Christ,

  2. I really appreciate that, CD. It is much more creative than mine. Thanks very much!

  3. --"Presbyterians" is an anagram of Britney Spears

    Whoa. Hahaha, who knew?

  4. Some years ago, I thought up some similar verses, based on the traditional Army running cadence:

    I wanna be an Airborne Ranger
    Give me a life of guns and danger


    I wanna read the King James Bible
    Thou shalt read in Shakespeare style

    I wanna be a Presbyterian
    Absolute predestinarian

    I wanna be a Covenanter
    Singin' the Psalms with a precentor

    The last verse would lead into employing certain selections from The Book of Psalms for Singing, which especially worked for running cadence (the 7s versions of Psalms 51 and 113). -- Interestingly, because of the "call and response" of cadences, it became a perfect example of "lining the Psalm."


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