Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mike Murdock

I recently listened to a presentation by Mike Murdock. I have never heard a more materialistic presentation than his, except perhaps from a multilevel marketing spokesman. God hardly came up, except for Murdoch to deny that God is in control of what happens, that God tells people to give money, and that God can be asked for money.

In fact, the patter was very similar to MLM patter. The long and the short of it is to find a way to get wealthy without actually working for it.

Mike's presentation was not bolstered by any sound exegesis of Scripture. Instead it was bolstered by vague and unverifiable anecdotes. The closest thing to exegesis was a pseudo-spirtualization of Biblical references to sowing seeds and reaping a harvest.

As with most false teachers, Mike's presentation had a modicum of truth.  God is pleased when we give to the poor and the church.  God may also reward us in this life for our gifts.  Such a thing is possible.

Yet God does not promise to operate that way.  Indeed, we are encouraged to give in this way:

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2  Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth.

Be generous to the poor, give to the church, but don't expect something in return.  Do it because it is right.


1 comment:

  1. It's amazing that these guys continue to get away with this stuff. My in-laws, now deceased, fell for every one of these guys and no amount of appeals to Scripture could change their minds. Sad, sad, sad.


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