Monday, August 07, 2023

Other General-Purpose Dictionary Definitions of Semi-Pelagianism (in the English language)

In a previous post we covered the 1913 Oxford English Dictionary's definitions of Semi-Pelagian and Semi-Pelagianism (link to that post).  What about other general-purpose dictionaries of the English language?

Webster's 1828 (website version):

  • SEMI-PELA'GIANISM, noun The doctrines or tenets of the Semi-pelagians, supra.
  • SEMI-PELA'GIAN, noun In ecclesiastical history, the Semi-pelagians are persons who retain some tincture of the doctrines of pelagius. See Pelegianism. They hold that God has not by predestination dispensed his grace to one more than another; that Christ died to all men; that the grace purchased by Christ and necessary to salvation, is offered to all men; that man, before he receives grace, is capable of faith and holy desires; and that man being born free, is capable of accepting grace, or of resisting its influences.
  • SEMI-PELA'GIAN, adjective Pertaining to the Semi-pelagians, or other tenets.

Webster's 1913 (via website):

Sem`i-Pe`la´gi`an`ism   Pronunciation: sĕm`ĭ`pė`lā´jĭ`an`ĭz'm

n. 1. The doctrines or tenets of the Semi-Pelagians.

n. 1. (Eccl. Hist.) A follower of John Cassianus, a French monk (died about 448), who modified the doctrines of Pelagius, by denying human merit, and maintaining the necessity of the Spirit's influence, while, on the other hand, he rejected the Augustinian doctrines of election, the inability of man to do good, and the certain perseverance of the saints.
a. 1. Of or pertaining to the Semi-Pelagians, or their tenets.

Merriam-Webster (website version):



often capitalized S & usually capitalized P

: the doctrines of semi-Pelagians that were condemned by a synod at Orange in a.d. 529




often capitalized S & usually capitalized P

: a person (as a theologian of a 5th or 6th century monastery in Gaul) holding that man requires special help and not merely general guidance from God to overcome original sin, that such help is offered freely to all men, that each man must of his own initiative accept or reject this special divine help, that the individual and not God takes the first step leading to his salvation, and that God's grace toward him is conditioned by his own attitude of acceptance or rejection




often capitalized S & usually capitalized P

: of or relating to semi-Pelagians or semi-Pelagianism

I add the following as a summary of the takeaways from these three general-purpose dictionaries:

  • "some tincture of the doctrines of Pelagius"
  • God has not by predestination dispensed his grace to one more than another
  • Christ died to all men
  • the grace purchased by Christ and necessary to salvation, is offered to all men
  • man, before he receives grace, is capable of faith and holy desires
  • man being born free, is capable of accepting grace, or of resisting its influences
  • Cassian's views, which included denying human merit and maintaining the necessity of the Spirit's influence but also 
    • rejecting 
      • Augustinian election,  
      • the inability of man to do good, and 
      • the certain perseverance of the saints
  • Doctrines condemned by Orange (529)
  • 5th or 6th Century Gallic monks (or those like them) who believed:
    • man requires special help and not merely general guidance from God to overcome original sin
    • such help is offered freely to all men
    • each man must of his own initiative accept or reject this special divine help
    • the individual and not God takes the first step leading to his salvation
    • God's grace toward him is conditioned by his own attitude of acceptance or rejection

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