Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Arminianism and Natural Birth

Joshua Lim at Reformed Blogging has an interesting post on Arminianism and Natural Birth (link) (Mitch has pointed out that there is something wrong with the link. The post can be found via the following link, about 3/4 of the way down the page - backup link). He states fairly succinctly this particular problem that is posed for Arminianism. More could be said, of course, but the main point is articulated, and worth reading.


  1. The link provided is not working. I will try to find the post on the blog, could you provide the date the article was posted to make it easier to find?


  2. Mitch: Sorry about that. I have provided a backup link that may work for a bit. It seems that Josh may have had second thoughts about his own post!

  3. As John MacArthur recently preached on Renewing Your Mind, it's all born out of a felt need to "protect" God from bad press.

    I'm waxing cynical again. It may be time for me to take another internet sabbatical.

  4. Theo,

    I am waxing self centered thinking again, "wondering":

    "is it because of me theo, is it?"

    Hey, I have a right to wonder why?!


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