Tuesday, April 19, 2011

William Albrecht (GNRHead) Index

Since I have done a dozen moderated live debates with Mr. William Albrecht (aka GNRHead), I figured it is time to create an index page for my interactions with him. The first section of the page documents the debates, both those on Marian Dogmas and Other Topics. The second section of the page documents the other interactions we've had - informal debates, discussions, or just Internet back-and-forth. Clicking on the name of the debate should direct you to an mp3 of that debate.

Formal Debates 
Marian Debates
  1. Assumption of Mary Debate
  2. Immaculate Conception Debate
  3. Mother of God Debate
  4. Perpetual Virginity Debate
  5. Veneration of Mary Debate (transcript)(main page)(Follow-Up Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)(Part 6)(Part 7)(Part 8)
  6. Is Marian Devotion Intrinsic to Christian Worship? (page with embedded version)
Other Debates
  1. Latria-Dulia Debate (transcript)
  2. Veneration of Images Debate (main page - with follow-up)(further follow-up)
  3. Augustine Transubstantiation Debate
  4. Purgatory Debate
  5. Canon Debate (main page)(second main page)
  6. Papal Infallibility Debate (main page)
  7. Sola Scriptura and Unity Debate (main page)
  8. Sola Fide Debate (main page)
  9. Is the Apocrypha God's Word? (page with embedded version)
Discussions/Informal Debates
Augustine and the Eucharist
  1. Discussion Regarding Augustine and Eucharist (February 11, 2008)
  2. Response to Albrecht's Discussion of His Call to Dr. White's Program (November 18, 2008) (Debate Challenge Received)
  3. Addressing Typos in Dr. White's Discussion of Augustine and the Real Presence (February 23, 2009)
  4. Augustine vs. Albrecht on the Real Presence (February 25, 2009)
  5. Augustine vs. Albrecht Again (April 23, 2009)
  6. Augustine, Metaphor, Bodily Presence (May 20, 2009)
Alleged Athanasius Quotation
Misquoting Athanasius (February 27, 2009) (First Follow-Up)(Second Follow-Up)(Third Follow-Up)(Index Page for Discussion of Athanasius Misquotation)(Yet Another Steve Ray Patristic Error)

Cardinal Cajetan and the Canon
  1. Cajetan and the Canon (May 22, 2009)
  2. Albrecht vs. Cajetan - Round 2 (June 10, 2009)
Limited Atonement
  1. Limited Atonement (May 26, 2009)
  2. Limited Atonement Defended (June 13, 2009)
  3. The New Mass Translation (June 3, 2010)


  1. Is that lane chaplin's voice I hear in the first debate? Was he the moderator

  2. Yes. Lane Chaplin was the moderator for several of our debates. Matthew Lankford has been the moderator for the remainder.


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