Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dr. White's More Recent Debate

While Ponter's colleagues are raising a tempest about Dr. White's debate with Steve Gregg, Dr. White has recently concluded another debate: this one against a Muslim opponent.

Here are a couple of crowd reactions to that debate, and even more to some informal discussion Dr. White provided after the debate at a local restaurant:

Fusion! reports at Let My People Read
Glenn Hendrickson reports at Glenn's Blog (brief) (more depth) (notes from Dr. White's opening)
Pastor Wyman reports at Walking Together

Here's the report from Dr. White's opponent, Jalal Abualrub and basically a repetition from one of his supporters (Rasheed Gonzales). Also, some Muslims have provided comments on the debate in the comments on Jalal's site, here.

And here are two clips from the debate (Dr. White's opponent promises to make the entire debate freely and publicly available - we'll see if/when that happens):

First Segment

Second Segment

Third Segment

May God bless the Muslim community with knowledge of the truth, repentance from sin, and faith in Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, and Savior of the world.



  1. Thanks for the link on your blog. I'm planning to type up and blog my notes from Dr. White's opening statement in the near future.

  2. You're welcome, Glenn! I'll try to update the post once I see your notes blogged.

  3. You can listen to the entire debate here: http://www.twtpubs.com/index.php?p=r:general:debate2&type=article

  4. Thank you, Matthew!

    I've embedded those videos in a post here on my own site, as well as provided links to the individual video downloads:




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