Thursday, September 01, 2011

Updates to the Site

Thanks to my Orthodox friend Luka, I have upgraded this site's comment features. We'll see how that goes. In theory, it should make control of the comments easier. If it doesn't I'll go back to the old way. I'm also pleased to report that Blogger's new interface for composing posts has finally been improved, so that I can now see more than a tweet worth of information at the same time while editing. The new interface will take a little getting used to, but I'm loving it already. But enough of this administrative material.


  1. This is not a reply. If my hair were a bird your argument would be invalid.

  2. I like the new format and it seems much easier to make comments, for good or for ill, however, it is easier! :)

  3. The only potential problem (and I don't know if this applies) is this system may make this a blog where new comments can appear in the middle of a long thread thus making it very hard to see new comments.

  4. TF,

    Off topic, but I thought you might be interested in this piece on R2K by Paul Manata.

    In Christ,


Comment Guidelines:

1. Thanks for posting a comment. Without you, this blog would not be interactive.

2. Please be polite. That doesn't mean you have to use kid gloves, but please try not to flame others, even if they are heretics, infidels, or worse.

3. If you insult me, I'm more likely to delete your comment than if you butter me up. After all, I'm human. I prefer praise to insults. If you prefer insults, there's something wrong with you.

4. Please be concise. The comment box is not your blog. Your blog is your blog. If you have a really long comment, post it on your blog and post a short summary of it here.

5. Please don't just spam. It's one thing to be concise, it's another thing to simply use the comment box to advertise.

6. Please note, by commenting here, you are relinquishing your (C) in your comments to me.

7. Remember that you will give an account on judgment day for your words, including those typed in comment boxes. Try to write so you will not be ashamed if it is read back before the entire world.

8. Stay on topic. If your comment has nothing to do with the post, email it to me (my email can be obtained through my blogger profile), or simply don't post it.

9. Don't post as "Anonymous." If you are going to post anonymously, at least use some kind of recognizable "handle," so we can tell you apart from all the other anonymous folks. (This is moot at the moment, since recent abuse has forced me to turn off "anonymous" commenting.)

10. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; and abstain from doing to others what you would not wish upon yourself.