Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rating the Messiah

Nick Norelli makes a good point here, that the statement: "Jesus Christ is Overrated," is dead wrong. (link)

It's impossible to overrate Jesus, unless one were to try to make him greater than the Father.

Instead, the second person of the Trinity is consistently underrated. He was despised and rejected; he had no honor in his own country; he came into the world, and unto his own, and was not generally received.

Islam, while even while superstitiously muttering "[may] peace be upon him" underrates the Messiah as merely a great prophet.

Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. It is impossible for us to give Him all the honor and praise he deserves. He is worthy of all our praise, and we are inadequate to the task of giving him what he is due.

Thanks be to God that Jesus Christ's righteousness will be held to our account, for He honored the Father in all that He did,


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