Wednesday, October 12, 2022

James White and Matthew 24:36

My friend, James White, has been consistently defending the Trinity for decades.  I'm truly mystified by the fact that some folks are seriously worried about his view of the two natures of Christ and of his interpretation of Matthew 24:36.  Here's an example of White's discussion from the Forgotten Trinity.

People respond that this seems at odds with his comments on Matthew 24:36.

He explained Matthew 24:36 on the DL in 2006, starting around 47 minutes in.  1st, James explicitly affirms that the text doesn't apply to the Holy Spirit. 2nd, James briefly mentions to two natures (not in detail, though):

(link to DL)

Again in 2012, James 1st) explains textual variant issues.  2nd) addresses inconsistent Muslim use 3rd) sets aside economic Trinity explanations as possible but weak 4th) explains that these limitations apply to Christ as incarnate using the same "veil" metaphor James is using now (link to video):

About one hour, five minutes into a recent presentation (Link) James again holds to his "veil" metaphor, which apparently is now so objectionable.

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