Sunday, February 23, 2025

Syriac at Revelation 16:5

In 2014, Gorgias Press published, "The Syriac Bible with English Translation: Revelation," with the English translation by Jerome A. Lund, and the text prepared by George A. Kiraz.  The translations of 11:17 (reflecting the non-insertion of "the coming one"), 15:4 (for a comparison translation of hosios) and 16:5 are of particular interest.

At 11:17 (p. 63), Lund translates:

saying: "We thank you, O Lord God, ruler of all, who is and was, because you have assumed your great power and begun reigning.

At 15:4 (p. 83), Lund translates: 

Who should not fear you, O Lord, and glorify your name, for you alone are pure? For all the nations shall come and worship before you, for you are upright."

Similarly, at 16:5 (p. 85), Lund translates:

Then I heard the angel of the waters say: "You, he who is and was, even the pure one, are righteous, because you judged these,

I don't reproduce the Syriac text from the Gorgias Press' work here, because the text itself was published over a century ago.

The New Testament in Syriac (1905-1920)

For Revelation 16:5

(p. 187, 358/372)

Although I claim no expertise in Syriac, it appears that the text of George A. Kiraz is the same as that of the 1905 edition (perhaps with minor orthographic/font changes).

For Revelation 11:17:

(p. 183, 354/372)

Once again, the Syriac text (as expected) seems to be the same.

As p. iv of the 1905 publication and p. XIII of "The Syriac Bible with English Translation," make clear (and the Gorgias Press edition likewise reiterates), the text is based on a single Syriac manuscript.  Rev. John Gwynn, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity at the University of Dublin transcribed the text and made various minor improvements to it (more details can be found in TSBwET - but these do not affect Revelation 11:17 or Revelation 16:5).  

Dr. Gwynn provided a presumed Greek Vorlage corresponding to the Syriac.   

(p. cxxiv, 134/318)

Revelation 11:17

(p. 23, 180/318, left column)

Revelation 16:5
(p. 31, 188/318, right column)

Revelation 4:8
(p. 9, 166/318, right column)
(p. 10, 168/318, left column)

I also looked at some older Syriac printed editions, but I'm not sure that they add anything.

Novum Testamentum Syriace denuo recognitum atque ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum emendatum (1816)

Revelation 16:5

(p. 540, 552/573)(Right column)
(p. 540, 552/573)(Left column)

(right column portion, annotated)

Revelation 11:17

(p. 534, 546/573, right column)

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