Tuesday, October 18, 2011

James White vs. Abdullah Kunde - Can God Become a Man?

One person has provided a summary of the debate that recently took place in Australia between Dr. James White and Abdullah Kunde.  (link to summary)  The topic of the debate was, "Can God Become a Man?"  It's not a transcript of the debate, but there is a lot of detail provided.

- TurretinFan

Monday, October 17, 2011

Trinitarian Universalism Debate

I recently engaged in a debate with Jason Pratt who heavily emphasized that he is a Trinitarian, and who considers himself an "Evangelical Universalist."  I argued from five passages that judgment is coming, that it will be eternal, and that some people will experience it.  Chris Date moderated the debate and has hosted the debate in the form of three podcasts:

Resolved: Some people will not be saved from their sins according to the following passages and their contexts: 2 Thess. 1:9, Matt. 25:41/46, Matt. 18:8, Romans 9:22 and Jude 1:6.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Chris Date's own podcast pages can be found here (first, second, third), which also contains links to the "raw" audio and other information.


Defining "Church"

John Bugay's recent post, "Whatever else the “definition of the word church” contains, it must be purged of Roman conceptions of Rome " led me to consider this question: Suppose you were to ask one of the apostles to define the term "the church."  Would that definition have any reference to Rome or her bishop?

If not, isn't Rome's concept of "the church" at odds with that of the apostles?

Read the New Testament for yourself.  Learn what the apostles believed and taught about "the church."  You won't find any reference to the papacy, and certainly not to Roman papacy amongst those pages.
