Saturday, January 05, 2008

Federal Vision - Status Report

According to this report, the Louisiana Presbytery of the PCA has been formally indicted for its failure to bring appropriate action against Steve Wilkins, a teaching elder subject to the jurisdiction of the LA presbytery. That's good news and sad news at the same time. It's good news because it means progress is being made by the PCA to root out the Federal Vision heresy, and sad news because no one likes to see presbyties disciplined, even when they are tiny presbyteries, like the LA presbytery.

There are basically three ways the matter can go:

1. The LA presbytery can repent, and address the heresy taught by Mr. Wilkins;
2. The LA presbytery can dissolve its relation with the PCA, and those elders/congregations of the LA presbytery that wish to be part of the PCA can become members of suitable adjacent presbyteries; or
3. The matter can proceed to trial.

Not a few folks are waiting on seat's edge to see what will transpire. I think we nearly all hope that course (1) will be taken and that it, in turn, will result in Mr. Wilkins repenting of his errant views and submitting to whatever discipline is appropriate.

Thanks to Green Baggins(es) for bringing this to my attention (link).



phatcatholic said...

What do you mean by "Federal Vision"? Just curious.

Turretinfan said...

I'm not an adherent to those views. If one happens to stop by, I'll let him explain. Otherwise, as far as I'm concerned, it's a stepping stone to Rome. Presumably, from where you stand, that's not a bad thing.