Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Salt And Light in Action

Governor of Alabama points out that only Christians are his brothers and sisters. Anti-Defamation League has an embolism (link to article). I'm sure Daryl Hart won't be too happy either. After all, he might say, doesn't the Governor know he must (in his official capacity) treat darkness and light as if they were equal? Thankfully, the Governor was exhibiting a more Biblical model of what it means to have the Scriptures inform all areas of your life.



donsands said...

He surely has the freedom to share his faith (US Constitution 1st Admendment).

But did he share appropriately? That's not me.

I hopefully will never be ashamed of the Gospel, nor of my love for Christ, but I don't feel I need to proclaim my faith every moment. And when I do, I hope others will see my hope, and my heart of gratitute.
Even then, there are going to be those who hate the message of grace and 1st Corithian 13 love, and divine peace.

I like what Peter said: " your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.."

It's a heart of honoring Christ; contending for my heart's hope, which is the Gospel of grace, with gentleness and fear.

Pilgrimsarbour said...

My understanding is that he said this in a Christian church in front of a Christian audience.

Nevertheless, I think it is more important to disavow that wretched 19th century liberal teaching about the universal brotherhood of man, something which the Bible does not recognise.

Then I would have explained that although every true believer in Christ is a brother or sister, nonetheless everyone else is to be considered a neighbour in the most faithful sense of the parable of The Good Samaritan. If you're going to appropriately deny the universal brotherhood of man, be sure to explain clearly about the universal neighbourhood of man, which includes all of the Governor's constituents, religious or not.

Truth Unites... and Divides said...

"I'm sure Daryl Hart won't be too happy either."

TFan, has Daryl Hart expressed his R2K opinions on this matter?

If not, let's ask him on the Green Baggins thread, shall we?